Tuesday, September 09, 2008


"I understand that he just GOOGLED the woman."

Joy Behar (on Larry King Tuesday night 9/9/08) after saying that John McCain did not even vet Sarah Palin.

John McCain has accused Barack Obama of:
“…élitism and talking down to working-class voters.”

John McCain said he is in favor of:
“…reforming the wasteful Federal Government.”

Sarah Palin said:

“My mom and dad both worked at the local elementary school. And my husband and I, we both grew up working with our hands.”

“I never really set out to be involved in public affairs, much less to run for this office."

“The United States sent troops to fight in the Iraq war on a task that is from God.”

“Our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God. That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that plan is God's plan."

Adrianna Huffington wrote:

“Palin, and the circus she's brought to town, are simply a bountiful collection of small lies deliberately designed to distract the country from one big truth: the havoc that George Bush and the Republican Party have wrought, and that John McCain is committed to continuing.”
“Every second of this campaign not spent talking about the Republican Party's record, and John McCain's role in that record, is a victory for John McCain.”
“Her critics like to say that Palin hasn't accomplished anything. I disagree: in the space of ten days she's succeeded in distracting the entire country from the horrific Bush record -- and McCain's complicity in it. My friends, that's accomplishment we can believe in.”

TIME magazine wrote about Iraq:

"In spite of the high-level political anxiety, however, many ordinary people across the war-ravaged capital say that while elections would be nice, regular power and clean water is what they really want. Few feel that local elections will improve their lot.”
“Five years after the fall of Saddam Hussein's dictatorial regime, the novelty of elections has worn off, and Baghdad's war-weary citizens are still hoping for basic services."


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