Wednesday, November 19, 2008


OBL: Salaam, Barack Obama, and congratulations on your win.

BHO: Salami to you too, Osama…and I thought you were dead.

OBL: No way José! I’m not going away just yet. I got me some new kidneys!

BHO: What about your dyed beard?

OBL: That was my punk phase.

BHO: You’re a punk, alright, and I plan to get you.

OBL: Ah, good…that’s music to my ears! My gang and I were fearful that you might not keep our JIHAD alive.

BHO: Your JIHAD will be destroyed.

OBL: No, it is you who are destroying yourselves. Bush lit the first fuse, and you will continue to light more fuses.

BHO: That is mere rhetoric. I’m speaking of reality.

OBL: Yes, I know…like “Smoke me out…Dead or Alive…all the way to the Gates of Hell”.

BHO: Now you’re talking.

OBL: No, I was quoting Bush and McCain.

BHO: Well, O.K. I’m too busy to continue this chatter. I’ve got to select a dog for my daughters.

OBL: I understand. And I can’t talk too much longer or the location of my new cave will be tracked.

BHO: Okey-Dokey.


NSA Officer: Mr. President-elect, we don’t think this was Mr. bin Laden.


NSA Officer: We’ve traced his outgoing in New York.

Alright. But keep a lid on this thing. We still have to keep bin Laden alive so that we can go forward in Afghanistan.


Indefinitely crashing around Afghanistan's and Pakistan's wild, mountainous tribal region on a ghost hunt cannot serve our interests. The longer we leave troops in Afghanistan, the worse the civil war there will become. One day Obama will need to give up the hunt — declare bin Laden either dead or irrelevant. He has more important enemies to deal with, from Iran to Russia.



When Will Obama Give Up the Bin Laden Ghost Hunt?

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