Monday, July 18, 2005


"Hello. Time magazine. This is Matthew Cooper."
"Hello. Matthew, this is Rove. Karl Rove."
"Hello Mr. Rove. How are the smears going?"
"Well, Matt, that's what I want to talk about. I have a scoop for you."
"Scoop? Or Poop?"
"O.K. It's a poopy scoop. Anyway, here's what I have.
I know the identity of Jospeph Wilson's wife."
"Well, she's a CIA agent."
"Yeah. And Joseph Wilson needs his butt spanked for trying to tell the American people the truth about the Niger uranium."
"So publish the fact that Wilson's wife is CIA."
"I'll see what I can do. Do I have to keep your name out of this?"
"Yes. But I doubt that we need to worry about any exposure. And the American public is in our pockets for now."
"O.K. Karl. Thanks."
"No problema."

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