Friday, November 11, 2005


"Bush exploited the worldwide horror felt over the 9/11 attacks to justify the Iraq invasion. His outrageous claim, repeated over and over before and after he dragged the nation into an unnecessary war, was never supported by a single piece of credible evidence. The Bush defense of what is arguably the biggest lie ever put over on the American people is that everyone had gotten the intelligence wrong. Not so at the highest level of US intelligence, as DITSUM No. 044-02 so clearly shows. How could the President not have known?"
"Lying with Intelligence", Robert Scheer, The Nation, 11-08-05

Good Mourning.
I am here on this day of remembrance to give thanks to the many who have sacrificed for the good of this nation.
Today, as yesterday, we must remain vigilant and be prepared to do everything we can to preserve the values of democracy and protect the freedom and liberty which have been endowed to us.
My critics want you to believe that my Shock and Awe invasion of Iraq was based upon manipulated intelligence.
No, it was based on the best available (twisted) intel that my neocon handlers could provide.
I bombed Iraq because the Intel (and God) told me that Saddam had to be removed.
This administration and others believed that Iraq possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction (but no mushrooms).
Now, the United States is fighting a war against terrorists (who weren't in Iraq before I bombed it) who want to prevent Iraq from becoming free and democratic.
We must not cave in to those who want the U.S. to cut and run (away from a Vietnam-like debacle).
The greater Middle East is watching (in horror) what the United States is going to do in Iraq. The world is watching (in horror) what I do as your leader. We must not fail now to secure Iraq and remove the insurgents and terrorists (which I created).
As your leader, I will not relent to the peaceniks and Christians who are weak and cynical. This war on terror will be won.
I will continue to keep rolling! I will continue to smoke the devils out!
Thank you and God Bless America!

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