Saturday, November 19, 2005


If Vicente Fox is a puppy of the U.S. empire, then Hugo Chavez is a big and mean street dog.
It is understandable that Chavez does not want the United States to divide and conquer Venezuela's oil industry.
But Chavez, like Cuba's Castro and Iran's current leader, needs to parse his words more carefully: Bush is not always going to be President of the United States, but since he is it is not wise for other leaders and dictators to irritate the hornets within the burning Bush.
And maybe this is exactly what Syria, Cuba, Iran and Venezuela wish.
They want to combine forces against the mad wasps inside the burning Bush.
Look out.
The fire is going to burn for three more years.
George W. Bush does not like to lose or be considered a loser.
This makes things even more dangerous.
Chill out fellows.
Maybe smoke some of that African bush…
And don’t forget to inhale it.

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