Friday, February 03, 2006


"I have some lawyers looking into filing a First Amendment lawsuit against the government for what happened tonight. I will file it. It is time to take our freedoms and our country back."
"I don't want to live in a country that prohibits any person, whether or not he/she has paid the ultimate price for that country, from wearing, saying, writing, or telephoning any negative statements about the government. That's why I am going to take my freedoms and liberties back. That's why I am not going to let BushCo take anything else away from me ... or you."
Cindy Sheehan, "What Really Happened?", [2-1-2006]

It was the State of the Union.
Dress code: Formal Wear.
Cindy Sheehan should have worn a Versace outfit.
Not a T-shirt for Pete's sake!
And she should have hidden the anti-war message until the president mentioned his freedom and victory song...then Cindy could have had bared her shirt, and let the network's cameras pan her message...and the placid, hopeful, disingenuous State of the Union could have gotten an additional lemon twist inserted into its whisky sour.
But tossing Ms. Sheehan out is not the real issue.
This Congress and this president are threatened by the voices of protest. That they are threatened indicates how insecure they are about their war.
They want the people to swear allegiance and goose step to their fuhrer and to themselves.
Only American swastikas...I mean flags!
You are either for the president...or against him.
You are either with the terrorists...or with the president.
Don't embarrass or threaten this regime.
It will bite back.
It will put you on its list of potenial terrorists.
Victory for the Homeland!
You've been bugged!

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