Sunday, September 30, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007

“Is our children learning?”
George W. Bush
"Childrens do learn."
George W. Bush
Bush made his latest grammatical slip-up at a made-for-TV event where he urged Congress to reauthorize the No Child Left Behind Act, the centerpiece of his education policy.
The face grimaces and grins and is coated with smug pride.
It is a countenance of overweening pride that was and is dangerous, and is becoming more dangerous with each passing day of the mission accomplished.
It is the look of one who once joked about finding WMD in his office.
These are the WMD that were fabricated by liars in order to carry out an unnecessary, Pre-Emptive, illegal and insane war.
That war whose lies told by the liars have killed and murdered thousands of our American soldiers, and thousands and thousands and thousands of Iraqi families.
The countenance is of one who was inconvenienced when he was asked where Osama bin Laden was, and answered with this smirking and proud pride:
"I don't know where bin Laden is.
I have no idea and really don't care.
It's not that important."
G.W. Bush
This is not the pride of a leader who is comfortable and confident with his ethics.
This is one who has his own ethics which are abetted by his self-chosen God unknown to many of us.
It's the oil stupid!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Mr. Frankly---and I call him that because he so frequently uses that word---is as scary as our current president.
Well...not quite that scary.
But Halloween is approaching, and Mr. Frankly appears to be as well.
Sean Hannity, as usual, was lavishing arse-kissing adulations upon Mr. Frankly.
Mr. Frankly was saying how the Republicans would decrease government and reduce taxes.
Yeah, just look what they did under the Decider Bush's reign.
Mr. Frankly told us that he was a Reagan man.
Yes, Reagan.
What a conservative.
Very little trickling occurred.
But the National Debt of the United States of America increased in the trillions with Mr. Gipper's Tricks and Treats.
Didn't his administration's (scapegoats) also illegally conduit (i.e. sell) arms to our current axis-of-evil partner Iran in order make a a lot of money in order to try to overthrow a government in Central America?
Big government?
Mr. Frankly is as likely to spend less money or give America a smaller government as Dracula is likely to stop drinking blood.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I have just heard some very moving, intelligent and rational words.
Evo Morales, President of Bolivia, was on The
Daily Show.
He stated in so many (yet few) words that the world must begin working to save itself.
That humans---governments---leaders---should live to save life and not destroy life.
I hope that George W. Bush and Al-Qaeda were taking notes.
We haven’t (and shouldn’t) hear the last from Evo Morales.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
HC: I will bring the troops home and give health care to all Americans.
RG: I will bomb Iran and win the Global War on Terrorism.
HC: I will make Bill bake cookies.
RG: I will stop putting on dresses.
HC: I will keep my cleavage covered.
RG: I will keep my teeth covered.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
WAR SONG WRITTEN BEFORE LISTENING TO Bach's Air for the "G" String and Beethoven's Adagio from "Moonlight" Sonata
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
When the evening is spread out against the sky
Like a patient
etherized upon a table.
T.S. Eliot
At about the time that LSD was being discovered, I was having my own hallucinations.
I was getting a tonsilectomy.
The noxious ether entered my nose, mouth and brain.
Then began the horrible hallucinations.
Galaxies were spinning inside my mind.
These colorful and spinning spirals seemed to go on and on.
When I finally woke up I had an enormous headache.
I was rolled out in a wheelchair.
It was hell for me to swallow.
For years I remembered the effects of that ether, and I never needed to go on any LSD "trip".
Saturday, September 15, 2007

Former US deputy defence secretary
Paul Wolfowitz
Alan Greenspan
Address by the President to the Nation on the Way Forward in Iraq
September 13, 2007
Oval Office
Good evening.
In the life of all free nations (And this one has become less free with me as your president), there come moments that decide the direction of a country and reveal the character of its people
(And their president).
We are now at such a moment.
In Iraq, an ally of the United States is fighting for its survival. Terrorists and extremists who are at war with us around the world are seeking to topple Iraq's government, dominate the region, and attack us here at home
(Don't ask me to show you any intelligence).
If Iraq's young democracy can turn back these enemies, it will mean a more hopeful Middle East and a more secure America. This ally has placed its trust in the United States
(Just as we have placed tons of radioactive Uranium dust from our depleted uranium weapons into their air, soil and water.)
And tonight, our moral and strategic imperatives are one: We must help Iraq defeat those who threaten its future and also threaten ours.
(Even though 70% of the remaining Iraqi people want the U.S. to leave their country, and 60% support killing American troops.)
This week, General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker testified before Congress about how that strategy is progressing. In their testimony, these men made clear that our challenge in Iraq is formidable. Yet they concluded that conditions in Iraq are improving, that we are seizing the initiative from the enemy, and that the troop surge is working.
(Even though there are higher numbers of Iraqis dying than one year ago, and our American soldiers are dying every day.)
One year ago, much of Baghdad was under siege. Schools were closed, markets were shuttered, and sectarian violence was spiraling out of control. Today, most of Baghdad's neighborhoods are being patrolled by coalition and Iraqi forces who live among the people they protect. Many schools and markets are reopening. Citizens are coming forward with vital intelligence. Sectarian killings are down. And ordinary life is beginning to return.
(Even though most citizens will not go outside for fear of being killed, and there is very little water, food or electricity.)
One year ago, much of Diyala province was a sanctuary for al Qaeda and other extremist groups, and its capital of Baqubah was emerging as an al Qaeda stronghold. Today, Baqubah is cleared. Diyala province is the site of a growing popular uprising against the extremists. And some local tribes are working alongside coalition and Iraqi forces to clear out the enemy and reclaim their communities.
(We just hope that these same tribes don't turn on us once they gain control.)
One year ago, Shia extremists and Iranian-backed militants were gaining strength and targeting Sunnis for assassination. Today, these groups are being broken up, and many of their leaders are being captured or killed.
(But more militants are certain to replace the captured and killed ones and this will require that we stay in Iraq for years to come.)
These gains are a tribute to our military, they are a tribute to the courage of the Iraqi security forces, and they are the tribute to an Iraqi government that has decided to take on the extremists.
(And I'll take some of that tribute, too.)
Now the Iraqi government must bring the same determination to achieving reconciliation. This is an enormous undertaking
(Just as I have become an enormous Executive Undertaker)
after more than three decades of tyranny and division.
Yet Iraq's national leaders are getting some things done.
(They have completed their vacation. I know a lot about vacations.)
Our troops in Iraq are performing brilliantly.
(This isn't a play. Why did my writer write performing? Oh well, I just read 'em, I don't write 'em.)
The principle guiding my decisions on troop levels in Iraq is "return on success."
(Kind of like those profits that the Pentagon and the oil industry get a return on.)
The more successful we are, the more American troops can return home.
( If we aren't successful, troops will have to stay.)
Americans want our country to be safe and our troops to begin coming home from Iraq. Yet those of us who believe success in Iraq is essential to our security, and those who believe we should begin bringing our troops home, have been at odds.
(Just as I am odd and have been ever since I started this tragic and needless war.)
Now, because of the measure of success we are seeing in Iraq, we can begin seeing troops come home. The way forward I have described tonight makes it possible, for the first time in years, for people who have been on opposite sides of this difficult debate to come together.
(But not too together, because there's an election coming.)
This vision for a reduced American presence also has the support of Iraqi leaders from all communities.
(Vision? Sounds kind of Biblical.)
At the same time, they understand that their success will require U.S. political, economic, and security engagement that extends beyond my presidency.
(I didn't pre-emptively bomb and invade Iraq just so that American soldiers could leave under the watch of a new president. This engagement will become a long-lasting marriage).
These Iraqi leaders have asked for an enduring relationship with America. And we are ready to begin building that relationship -- in a way that protects our interests in the region and requires many fewer American troops.
(Up is down, black is white, war is peace...the new way forward is the way to hell and back, forever and ever.)
The success of a free Iraq is critical to the security of the United States. A free Iraq will deny al Qaeda a safe haven. A free Iraq will counter the destructive ambitions of Iran. A free Iraq will marginalize extremists, unleash the talent of its people, and be an anchor of stability in the region. A free Iraq will set an example for people across the Middle East. A free Iraq will be our partner in the fight against terror -- and that will make us safer here at home.
(Damn, this sounds too good to be true. My writers are something else.)
If we were to be driven out of Iraq, extremists of all strains would be emboldened.
(Just as more and more strains of Cholera have been kindled in thousands of Iraqis.)
Al Qaeda could gain new recruits and new sanctuaries.
(As they already have from my invasion and occupation.)
Iran would benefit from the chaos and would be encouraged in its efforts to gain nuclear weapons and dominate the region.
(Even though Iran is benefiting from the chaos of the civil war right now.)
Extremists could control a key part of the global energy supply.
(Therefore, more blood, blood, blood...for oil...oil...oil!)
Iraq could face a humanitarian nightmare.
(Right now it's just a very bad dream.)
Democracy movements would be violently reversed. We would leave our children to face a far more dangerous world.
(But not much more dangerous than the world I have left them.)
And as we saw on September the 11th, 2001, those dangers can reach our cities and kill our people.
( scare and trump card!)
Whatever political party you belong to, whatever your position on Iraq, we should be able to agree that America has a vital interest in preventing chaos and providing hope in the Middle East.
(That's why I bombed Iraq! To prevent chaos and give hope!)
To the Iraqi people: You have voted for freedom, and now you are liberating your country from terrorists and death squads. You must demand that your leaders make the tough choices needed to achieve reconciliation. As you do, have confidence that America does not abandon our friends, and we will not abandon you.
(America does not cut loose from where the oil is!)
To Iraq's neighbors who seek peace: The violent extremists who target Iraq are also targeting you. The best way to secure your interests and protect your own people is to stand with the people of Iraq. That means using your economic and diplomatic leverage to strengthen the government in Baghdad. And it means the efforts by Iran and Syria to undermine that government must end.
(Or Uncle Sam will start bombing them too!),
Good night, and God bless America.
Friday, September 14, 2007

“An estimated 4.2 million Iraqis have been uprooted from their homes, with the monthly rate of displacement climbing to over 60,000 people compared to 50,000 previously.
Many are barely surviving in makeshift camps, inaccessible to aid workers for security reasons.”
UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) spokeswoman Jennifer Pagonis
According to the ORB poll, a survey of 1,461 adults suggested that the total number slain during more than four years of war was more than 1.2 million.
ORB said it drew its conclusion from responses to the question about those living under one roof: "How many members of your household, if any, have died as a result of the conflict in Iraq since 2003?"
Based on Iraq's estimated number of households -- 4,050,597 -- it said the 1.2 million figure was reasonable.
ORB said its poll had a margin of error of 2.4%. According to its findings, nearly one in two households in Baghdad had lost at least one member to war- related violence, and 22% of households nationwide had suffered at least one death. It said 48% of the victims were shot to death and 20% died as a result of car bombs, with other explosions and military bombardments blamed for most of the other fatalities.
The survey was conducted last month.
Chris Matthews after the remarks by George W. Bush on
My back hurts like heck.
My brain is waiting for the Decider to once again tell us how well we are doing in
You get it.
I am so tired of this president’s artifice and folly.
He is speaking as I write:
Seizing the initiative...lasting reconciliation...surging diplomatic resources...provincial reconstruction teams...
clear out the enemy...transitioning to the next phase...our mission in Iraq will evolve...adjust our military...provide a fresh assessment of Iraq...return on success...the more successful we are the more troops that can come home...protect our interests in the region...realizing this vision will be difficult...our diplomats believe we can succeed...Iraq could face a humanitarian for peace in the holy land...let us come together on a policy of strength in the Middle is never too late to advance freedom...
Realists in military circles reckon the overall situation in Iraq is worsening, from the point of view of the United States; that by next spring, as one puts it, “the active-duty Army and Marine Corps will start to break under the current load”. Forces will decline, unless Bush orders a real surge next year in involuntarily mobilized reservists. He won’t do that. The war is lost, but like many a lost war, it will last a very long time.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
11 September 1885(1885-09-11) Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom Died: | |
2 March 1930 (aged 44) Vence, France |
I named my cat Frieda.
At the time---well, for some time---I was enamored with the writing of D.H. Lawrence.
Frieda was the name of Lawrence's wife.
They did not want to get married, but eventually did.
She left her German professor-husband---and her children---and ran away with Lorenzo---gadding about all over the world.
I didn't like Lawrence's short stories or novels as much as I liked his poems.
They had Beauty and Brevity.
I got my kitten, Frieda, from a buddy-muscian-poet, Paul Santoro.
His cat, the mother of Frieda, was a Calico.
Paul said before handing over little Frieda,
"Now take care of her."
And I said that I would.
One winter I left Frieda with some friends so that I could traipse off to a warmer place.
I asked my friends to take care of Frieda.
"Don't let her go outside."
When I returned from my wanderings a few months later, Frieda had given birth to two kittens.
One friend said to me,
"We tried to pull her apart from the other cat, but we couldn't do it."
I gave names to the two little fur balls.
One I named Rufus.
He had a little mole on his nose.
The other kitten I named Snowball.
She was as cute as any kitten can be.
I could barely feed myself, and really didn't want to take care of Frieda's brood.
So one summer day I put notes around the necks of Rufus and Snowball.
I left them in the alley behind my apartment.
I returned to the alley a few hours later, and there was Snowball, trotting behind a lady, with her tail pointed to the sky, happy as a lark.
Rufus returned to the apartment that night.
He entered through one of the window panes of the skylight on top of the apartment's roof.
Frieda ran away.
I never saw her again.
I thought that this was appropriate, knowing that her namesake had done the same thing.
The Calico mother was picked up by a hawk while Paul was coming back across the desert from California.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
TaKe a BaTh!
FrEeDoM iS sLaVeRy!
WaR iS pEaCe!
Up Is dOwN!
WrOnG iS rIgHt!
It's the oil stupid!
Sunday, September 09, 2007
A politician is one that would circumvent God.
Man, proud man, drest in a little brief authority... like an angry ape, plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven, as make the angels weep.
I'm sorry, but you have terminal
Many of your tumors have been removed:
Donald Rumsfeld, Alberto Gonzales, Karl Rove.
But your cancer still exists.
The days of your country are numbered.
How did you get this cancer?
With your
Your cancer is the worst possible kind of cancer.
It has spread.
You have been destroying your own country.
Not just
You might as well have been smoking fifty packs of cigarettes every day.
There is not much time.
Today, tomorrow...soon...the cancer will stop, and so will you, and so will the nation that you have misled with your lies.
Or perhaps not.
Then this nation will have an opportunity to heal itself.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
The surge is working, but it is not working
Well enough.
The United States needs to keep troops dying in this sectarian civil war until the elected government of Iraq and its puppet president can achieve political control.
Maybe in ten years.
Maybe one-hundred.
Who really knows?
As long as China loans us the moola, we will continue the Decider’s self-made WAR
We mustn’t let Osama down.
He is depending upon Bush to continue inspiring radical Islamic extremists who might not otherwise wish to kill and behead us.
We cannot give in to the appeals of liberal, left-wing, wacko peace activists, many of whom are American veterans of Bush’s pre-emptive shock-and-awe war.
The Decider has another year to kill another thousand American soldiers.
The Decider also has Iran in his little peepers (which is giving many of us the creepers.)
The sand, air and water of Iraq are already irradiated with Depleted Uranium, so more warring won’t really matter at this point.
The only thing that matters are oil and hegemony.
The only thing that matters are the profits.
Profits for Halliburton.
Profits for corporations.
Profits, profits, profits.
Death, death, death.
Our way of life shall not stop.
We will stay in Iraq forever if it is necessary.
Continue to bring it on!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Q & A
John Edwards says it's time for Congress to attach a timetable for troop withdrawals to future funding for the war in Iraq. Is he right?
Edwards is right, but Congress won't budge as long as its members believe that the GOP will call them cut-and-runners if they vote for such a timetable.
The Congress and the entire U.S. government (& the economy itself) depend upon this war (and other "conflicts").
Our Democracy is based upon corporate militarism.
Our nation has become a military corporation.
China provides the U.S. with its cheap goods.
China loans the U.S. money to continue the war so that you and I can continue to purchase our inexpensive goods.
The serpent is always eating its tail.
Our nation is a military-industrial "complex".
Undoing that fact will never happen.
This war will continue as long as our machines and factories depend upon that greasy dinosaur sludge.
And so it goes and will go ad infinitum.
Why would President Bush tell the Australian deputy prime minister, "We're kicking ass" in Iraq?
He is an ass.
He is kicking himself.
He just doesn't realize it.
The delusional Decider is a moron, even though he has read 97 books this year.
This president's mental I.Q. is not much higher than his moral I.Q.
"We're kicking ass in Iraq" are words that can be expected from the same person who said SMOKE 'EM OUT! and BRING IT ON!
Let's hope that Mr. Bush doesn't want to kick Iran's posterior.
Then it would be the world's ass being kicked.
This president is dangerous.
For pushing "terrorism" as a justification for waging war against Iran when the U.S. is just as guilty of even greater terrorism, Bush and Cheney must beyond question be impeached and convicted with all possible speed, so that they can never start that war.
He has made it clear that in this "War on Terror," victory means everything to him. He might also believe that a win in Iran could reverse current setbacks in Iraq and also bring victory closer for the U.S. and Israel in Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine. And he has already shown that he is willing to accept the killings of hundreds of thousands or even a million people in the hope of going down in history as a great commander-in-chief.
The people of the United States are the only ones with a chance of stopping him, and it can only happen if a powerful majority of voters will join in a maximum effort to impeach both Bush and Cheney right now. This has to happen before the U.S. and/or Israel undertake any expanded military efforts against Iran.
All of this will be difficult, and many will think it impossible. We citizens of the U.S. who do not want our country to become involved in a greater war with Iran will not have most of the print and TV media with us, nor the military-industrial complex that wants more wars. The Israel lobby will desperately oppose efforts to impeach Bush and Cheney, because it will recognize instantly that the two top U.S. leaders are the lobby's strongest backers of war with Iran. At the same time, most of the Democratic Party leadership and all but one or two of the Democratic presidential candidates will be reluctant to support impeachment because they are competing with the Republicans in an effort to show that each party supports Israel more strongly than the other.
By Bill Christison and Kathleen Christison
Bill Christison was a senior official of the CIA. He served as a National Intelligence Officer and as Director of the CIA's Office of Regional and Political Analysis.
Kathleen Christison is a former CIA political analyst and has worked on Middle East issues for 30 years. She is the author of Perceptions of Palestine and The Wound of Dispossession.
What will the next American president have to do to improve relations with Europe?
Initiate more diplomacy.
Stop invading countries.
Stop starting pre-emptive wars.
Less imperialism---more humanism.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I'm playing for October-November to get us in a position where the presidential candidates will be comfortable about sustaining a presence.
George W. Bush
George W. Bush
No longer were there individual destinies; only a collective destiny, made of plague and emotions shared by all.
[Both quotes are from The Plague by Albert Camus]
Part of the plague is gone, but its pathological causes still exist.
It is likely that the Decider will replace Alberto Gonzales with Michael Chertoff.
The plague continues.
Michael Chertoff was a lawyer to al-Qaeda connected people who were accused of funnelling money to bin-Laden, as well as misusing radioactive materials.
His clients had familial connections to people that were accused, and caught on tape, trying to buy stinger missiles, heavy water, and nuclear triggers.
Chertoff then became the lead investigator of 9/11.
[by BooMan23
Tue Jan 11, 2005]
Chertoff shaved his beard and now appears less menacing with that clean and tanned look.
But these revisions don't remove the above unpleasant allegations.
The Decider’s brain and other sordid components of his administration have departed.
This means that the Long War President has to prolong his plague without his primary proponents and protectors.
The Decider will have to do his deceiving all alone.
Megalomaniacal self-delusion will be his legacy.
Stupid liar.
Dead wrong.
Notwithstanding a new and perilous pre-emptive war with Iran, George W. Bush will continue to fly into the sun with his war in Iraq, his wings melting, our country dying and going bankrupt…
until he can begin making those big bucks giving post-presidential speeches.
If audiences have any sense or conscience, they will boo and run this shameless and deceiving president out of town.
Impeach Cheney…
then George W. Bush….
It's the oil stupid!
Monday, September 03, 2007
The Decider: Bombs ready?
Dick: Quack.
The Decider: False flag ready?
Dick: Quack, quack.
The Decider: Heart strong?
Dick: Quack.
The Decider: Is your secret bunker ready?
Dick: Quack, quack.
The Decider: Safe for me to stay at the ranch until the bombs begin falling?
Dick: Quack, quack.
The Decider: Good. Let's roll.
Dick: Quack.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
"No thanks."
The man was roasting a dog.
Another black dog was on a leash.
He was next.
He was whining.
He knew his fate.
I was looking for bananas when I came upon this scene.
The man said he was from the island of Truk.
He was cooking two "boonie" dogs.
He was hungry.
So was I.
I thought, "He will have plenty to eat."
The sea was calm and there was very little breeze.
It was very quiet except for the crying dog.
And as always the sun was brilliantly beaming.
I found my bananas and went home.