Thursday, May 19, 2005


"When the government fears the people, there is liberty; when the people fear the government, there is tyranny."
Thomas Jefferson

The Bush presidency is not yet done removing our civil liberties.
It wants the Patriot Act to not only become permanent, but to get bigger.
In secret, this most secretive and cunning Bush cabal is meeting to pass new, sordid, and liberty-defacing laws.
So much for keeping (let alone spreading) liberty here or abroad!
The Home of the Brave and the Land of the Free is getting less and less free, and less and less brave every day.
Unless by bravery one means the brave arrogance of this Bush cabal.
In the name of fighting its war on terrorism (Remember: it used to be communism!), the growing Bush dictatorship is planning to pass a bill that will further increase its powers.
Pat Roberts (R-Kan) is writing the bill.
It will allow the FBI to subpoena records WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM A JUDGE OR GRAND JURY. It would give the FBI "new power to issue administrative subpoenas, which ARE NOT REVIEWED BY A JUDGE OR GRAND JURY, for quickly obtaining RECORDS, ELECTRONIC DATA OR OTHER EVIDENCE IN TERRORISM INVESTIGATIONS." (YAHOO! NEWS/ "GOP Aides Say New Patriot Act Obliges Bush"/ by MARK SHERMAN, Associated Press Writer)
"Well, I have nothing to fear or hide. I am not a terrorist." the bill will probably pass.
How many terrorists are Americans?
Why does such a law need to be passed?
Couldn't one (or more) judges review the subpoenas on any potential or suspected terrorists? Secret search powers should not apply to all Americans.
But fascism & dictatorship don't like to do things half-assed.
This bill is too extreme, but it fits the burgeoning dictatorial style of this presidency.
Bush should be subpoenaed to stand trial for his “terroristic” attacks on this country's security & democracy!
Oh, and the lies about the Iraq war & 9/11.

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