Thursday, May 12, 2005

Homeland Security

Homeland Security
By Mad Plato

A little plane in the sky, close to the White House, close to Dick Cheney’s place…and all hell breaks loose.
Run for your lives!
Two F-16’s are in the air before you can say Holy Smoke.
Compare this recent evacuation drill to what happened on September 11,2001.
Boy, how two invasions and another (foreknown?) Pearl Harbor-later can change the modus operandi.
Something (like the Truth) has been rotting in Denmark (i.e. Washington, D.C.) since the Bush cabal was installed.
But the American public continues to dwell in TV-la-la land.
It’s time to save the Bill of Rights before it is too late!
And let’s get those solar cars rolling ASAP!

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