Wednesday, August 24, 2005


On Meet The Press (8-21-05)Trent Lott (R-MS) said that "we" are winning in Iraq.
He said that we must get some "dividends" back from the "investment" of dead soldiers and the money already spent in the Iraq war.
Trent Lott said that he agrees with Bush: Stay the Course.
"We are being helpful and assisting them.
We are seeking eventually is freedom and democracy for them.
It does raise the specter are we doing enough?
I think we've got to be committed in seeing this through."

On people wanting to have democracy:
"I think it's a visceral thing with people...they're willing to make sacrifices for democracy. The appeal of freedom and democracy is very strong."
Meanwhile, The Commander of War said “We’re hanging loose.”
Did he mean “We’re a hanging noose” ?

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