Monday, May 26, 2008


We must press on with our agenda for peace and prosperity in every land.
George W. Bush

[From President Bush Speaks to United Nations
Remarks by the President To United Nations General Assembly
U.N. Headquarters
New York, New York

We must speak the truth about terror. Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th; malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists, themselves, away from the guilty.

George W. Bush
[From President Bush Speaks to United Nations
Remarks by the President To United Nations General Assembly
U.N. Headquarters
New York, New York

The President’s office, the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the FBI allowed the attackers to prepare their plans, secure funding, proceed to the airports, board the planes and carry out their attacks…all carrying US visas (mostly issued in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia – once a prominent site for processing Arabs to fight in Afghanistan) and with ‘pilots’ who were US-trained. As soon as the terrorists took control of the flights, the Air Force was notified of the hijacking but top leaders ‘inexplicably’ delayed moves to intercept the planes allowing the attackers to reach their objectives…the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Every level of the US government was aware that Arab extremists were planning a spectacular armed attack in the United States . The FBI and the CIA had their names and addresses; the President’s National Security Adviser Condeleeza Rice publicly admitted that the Executive branch knew that a terrorist hijacking would occur…only they had expected, she claimed, a ‘traditional hijacking’ and not the use of ‘airliners as missiles’. The Attorney General John Ashcroft was acutely aware and refused to fly on commercial airliners. Scores of Israeli spies were living blocks away from some of the hijackers in Florida , informing headquarters on their movements. Overseas intelligence agencies, notably in Germany , Russia , Israel and Egypt claimed to have provided information to their US counterparts on the ‘terrorist plot’. The President’s office, the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the FBI allowed the attackers to prepare their plans, secure funding, proceed to the airports, board the planes and carry out their attacks…all carrying US visas (mostly issued in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia – once a prominent site for processing Arabs to fight in Afghanistan) and with ‘pilots’ who were US-trained. As soon as the terrorists took control of the flights, the Air Force was notified of the hijacking but top leaders ‘inexplicably’ delayed moves to intercept the planes allowing the attackers to reach their objectives…the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
In pursuit of military –driven empire building in accord with Israel’s own version, the Zionist militarists in the US government exceeded their pre-9/11 expectations, raising military spending from 3% of GNP in 2000 to 6% in 2008, growing at a rate of 13% per year during their ascendancy from 2001-2008. As a result they raised the US budget deficit to over $10 trillion dollars by 2010, double the 1997 deficit, and driving the US economy and its economic empire toward bankruptcy.
The pivotal group linking US military-driven empire builders with their counterparts in Israel was the major influential Zionist public policy group promoting what they dubbed the ‘Project for a New American Century” (PNAC). In 1998 they set out a detailed military-driven road map to US world domination (the so-called ‘Project for a New American Century’), which just happened to focus on the Middle East and just happened to coincide exactly with Tel Aviv’s vision of a US-Israel dominated Middle East. In 2000 the PNAC Zionist ideologues published a strategy paper ‘Rebuilding America’s Defenses’, which laid down the exact guidelines which incoming Zionist policy makers in the top spheres of the Pentagon and White House would follow. PNAC directives included establishing forward military bases in the Middle East, increasing military spending from 3% to 4% of GNP, a military attack to overthrow Saddam Hussein in Iraq, and military confrontation with Iran using the pretext of the threats of ‘weapons of mass destruction’.
The PNAC agenda could not advance without a catastrophic Pearl Harbortype of event, as US military-driven empire builders, Israelis and US Zionist policy makers recognized early on. The deliberate refusal by the White House and its subordinate 16 intelligence agencies and the Justice Department to follow up precise reports of terrorist entry, training, financing and action plans was a case of deliberate ‘negligence’: The purpose was to allow the attack to take place and then to immediately launch the biggest wave of military invasions and state terrorist activities since the end of the Indochina War.
Israel , which had identified and kept close surveillance of the terrorists, insured that the action would proceed without any interruption. During the 9/11 attacks, its agents even had the presumption to video and photograph the exploding towers, while dancing in wild celebration, anticipating Washington’s move toward Israel’s militarist Middle East strategy.
Philip Zelikow, an academic and former government official and prominent advocate of ‘preventative defense’ (the offensive war policies promoted by the Zionist militants in the government) was named executive director to conduct and write the official ‘9-11 Commission Report’. Zelikow was privy to the need for a pretext, like 9/11, for launching the permanent global warfare, which he had advocated. With a prescience, which could only come from an insider to the fabrication leading to war, he had written: “Like Pearl Harbor, this event would divide our past and future into a before and after. The United States (sic) might respond with draconian measures, scaling back civil liberties, allowing wider surveillance of citizens, detention of suspects and use of deadly force (torture)”, (see Catastrophic Terrorism – Tackling the New Dangers , co-authored by Philip Zelikow and published by Foreign Affairs in 1998).

Prior to 9/11 Zelikow provided a ‘blueprint’ for the process of an executive seizing extreme power for global warfare. He outlined a sequence in which a ‘catastrophic terrorist event’ could facilitate the absolute concentration of power, followed by the launching of offensive wars for Israel (as he publicly admitted). In the run-up to 9/11 and the multiple wars, he served as a member of National Security Adviser Condoleeza Rice’s National Security Council transition team (2000-2001), which had intimate knowledge of terrorist plans to seize US commercial flights, as Rice herself publicly admitted (‘conventional hijackings’ was her term). Zelikow was instrumental in demoting and disabling the counter-terrorism expert Richard Clark from the National Security Council, the one agency tracking the terrorist operation. Between 2001-2003, Zelikow was a member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. This was the agency, which had failed to follow-up and failed to pursue the key intelligence reports identifying terrorist plans. Zelikow, after playing a major role in undermining intelligence efforts to prevent the terrorist attack, became the principle author of the 2002 National Security Strategy of the United States, which prescribed Bush’s policy of military invasion of Iraq and targeted Syria, Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas and other independent Arab and Muslim countries and political entities. Zelikow’s ‘National Security Strategy’ paper was the most influential directive shaping the global state terrorist policies of the Bush regime. It also brought US war policies in the closest alignment with the regional military aspirations of the Israeli state since the founding of Israel . Indeed, this was why the former Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu stated at Bar Ilan University that the 9/11 attack and the US invasion of Iraq were ‘good for Israel ’ (see Haaretz, April 16, 2008).
Zelikow directed the commission report, which exonerated the administration of any knowledge and complicity in 9/11, but convinced few Americans outside of the mass media and Congress. Polls conducted in the summer of 2003 on the findings of the Commission proceedings and its conclusions found that a majority of the American public expressed a high level of distrust and rejection – especially among New Yorkers. The general public suspected Government complicity, especially when it was revealed that Zelikow conferred with key figures under investigation, Vice President Cheney and Presidential ‘Guru’ Karl Rove. In response to skeptical citizens, Zelikow went on an insane rage, calling the sceptics ‘pathogens’ or germs whose ‘infection’ needed to be contained. With language reminiscent of a Hitlerian Social Darwinist diatribe, he referred to criticisms of the Commission cover up as ‘a bacteria (that) can sicken the larger body (of public opinion)’. Clearly Zelikow’s pseudoscientific rant reflects the fear and loathing he feels for those who implicated him with a militarist regime, which fabricated a pretext for a catastrophic war for Zelikow’s favorite state – Israel .
Zelikow, as Bush’s personal appointee as the Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission, coordinated the cover-up of the Administration policy of complicity in 9/11 with the Vice President’s office. While Zelikow is not considered an academic heavyweight, his ubiquitous role in the design, execution and cover-up of the world-shattering events surrounding 9/11 and its aftermath mark him as one of the most dangerous and destructive political ‘influentials’ in the shaping and launching of Washington’s past, present and future catastrophic wars.
Provocations as Pretexts for Imperial War: From Pearl Harbor to 9/11
by Prof. James Petras
May 25, 2008
James Petras’ forthcoming book, Zionism and US Militarism, is due from Clarity Press, Atlanta , in August 2008.

As America approaches its next Presidential election, I wonder whether we are in for another 9/11, this time to justify a war with Iran. The recent
forced resignation of Admiral William Fallon from U.S. Central Command (forgotten since it occurred during the Elliot Spitzer dust-up) was an event of great potential magnitude. Fallon was widely perceived as the last military figure willing to stand up to the Bush administration on Iran. "Not on my watch," were his now-famous words when asked about a potential war with that nation. Well, Fallon is now out of the way.
Fallon’s departure from Centcom has been interpreted by many as a signal that America is planning
a strike against Iran. From a military, political, and economic standpoint, this is sheer madness. And yet, many believe it is possible, even likely.
The problem, however, is that the rest of the world sees no justification for a strike on Iran. None of the rhetoric emanating from the White House has persuaded anyone outside the tight confines of the neoconservatives who make policy. But even they recognize the need for positive spin, and the need of a sufficient justification.
Such a justification would have to be something very major, and then pinned on Iran. I imagine that people in the Bush administration would like for it to occur before the 2008 election. If so, would such an event also be used to excuse a "delay" to the election? Back in 2004, such possibilities were
quietly discussed, although the normally comatose American media woke up and the Bush team quickly backed off. Apparently, it was easier simply to rig the election again.
But how many elections can you rig before people begin to talk out loud? Hence my concern that Fallon’s ouster from Centcom is the signal for a major "something" to occur within the next few months. If seven years of the Bush administration have taught us anything, it is that the men and women running it would not scruple against expending more American lives and dollars in pursuit of grandiose plans of wealth and global hegemony.
It is noteworthy that in May 2007 the President signed the
National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive. This has received hardly any media attention, but it specifies procedures for continuity of the government in the event of a "catastrophic event." Substantial portions of it remain classified, and even the relevant members of Congress have been denied access to it. The directive appears to allow for the President to claim a national emergency and take over the government without oversight from Congress or the Supreme Court. It does not specify who has the power to declare any such emergency over.
The betrayal of the American Dream by the current occupants in the White House has not occurred as brutally as the Stalinist betrayal, so deftly portrayed by George Orwell. Nothing in history is ever exactly the same. And it is important to point out that such betrayal is a fully bi-partisan effort, for the Democratic Party sold its soul to the requisites of globalization and empire long ago.

[From Orwellian America: 9/11 and the Road to Iran
By Richard M. Dolan
May 9, 2008]

Richard Dolan is author of UFOs and the National Security State. He has made numerous television and radio appearances, and is currently writing a second volume to his original study.

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