Friday, July 11, 2008


Rabbi Goldstücker:
Hello, Jesse. Are you free the last weekend of July?
Rev. Jesse Jackson:
 Shouldn’t be a problem. What’s up Rabbi?
Rabbi Goldstücker:
There are some private rocks that I need you to dispossess.
Rev. Jesse Jackson
Do they belong to anyone that I know?
Rabbi Goldstücker:
Rev. Jesse Jackson:
Any additional inclination or declamation to perform rock removal at this historical moment in America’s presidential
season, with the repercussions that would emanate and ensue thereof from such negative pruning, would jeopardize and undercut my friend Senator Obama and his chances to become the next president of the United States. It would also unnecessarily expose to the American public a dark aspect in my quest for the past forty years to enhance civil and social justice. It would sever me as well as cut off connections to my long-time constituents, who would then forever look down upon me.
Rabbi Goldstücker
Is that a no?
Rev. Jesse Jackson:
Rabbi Goldstücker
O.K. I didn’t think it would hurt to ask you.
Rev. Jesse Jackson:
No, but it would certainly hurt if I did what you asked me to do.

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