Monday, January 02, 2006


What will George W. Bush do in 2006, 2007 and 2008?
What will the apparatus of his dictatorial-like administration conger in order for him to continue to elude and delude the American public?
Bush's defensive-offense began before Christmas.
His domestic spying is on the front burner and he wants the fire extinguished.
The New York Times might have foiled the 2004 election of George W. Bush if it had informed the voting public about his spying prior to the election.
More and more it seems that American media are paid pawns who pander in favor of the authoritarianism of the Burning Bush.
Blowhards such as Limbaugh, Coulter and Hannity claim that the Burning Bush is innocent and good. These Republican shills still deny the mistake of the Iraq war and ignore and deny the fake reasons for the invasion.
Even Bush admits it (sort of).
He must show some Christian contrition for his inept and iniquitous war.
Fire and Rain.
Which of these will be the stronger force for the Burning Bush this year?
Stay tuned and get involved.

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