Tuesday, January 10, 2006


I can remember way back during the Carter administration the talk about developing alternative energy sources. Other administrations did a lot of talking about it, too.

Then there was Clinton. (His own energy was certainly not conserved while he was in the Oval Office.)

America has kept up the talk for decades about developing alternatives to the voracious appetites of the consumer and the owners for petroleum. But all of this talk has been for naught. It was all a lie. It was all JUST TALK!

The United States should have already arrived at a solution for its excessive dependence upon petroleum. The profits, however, were (and are) more important than peace and health.
The Iraq war, President Bush has reminded us a couple of times in the past few weeks, was not about oil. Right. And Florida is not about tourism or oranges.

The peace and tranquility of the planet is now threatened because the U.S. still can not smell the coffee (not oil)... because its fat proboscis is filled with the vapors of petroleum!

I read many years ago how the major automobile corporations were not willing to replace their car blocks with anything that did not run off of gasoline. They (the car companies) could have started making the transformation YEARS AGO, but they, along with the corporate petroleum owners (here and abroad), were making too much money to go in the direction of alternative energy sources.

Thus, we have ourselves in the noose of wars (with or without terrorism) because we, and other nations, are battling for the land with the most oil.

It is laughable and absurd for anyone to believe President Bush when he says that the Iraq war is not at least in part a war about strategic (and national security) concerns for obtaining the black gold!

Americans will have to choke on the gas fumes and out-of this-world prices at the gas pump before they will wake up. Or, maybe not. Maybe we will continue to pay whatever it costs to keep running our
gaseous machines. Maybe we will tolerate the trillions of dollars we spend for wars (and the lives sacrificed) as long as we can continue to have our petroleum!

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