Saturday, June 04, 2005


Now we know what has really been occurring in the Bush administration.
To use a word spoken by Bush: This administration has been
disassembling the peace and security of the planet.
Before this week, many felt that Bush had just been
He has also been disassembling all along.
Disassembling the Bill of Rights.
Disassembling the Social Security Act.
Disassembling peace & stability
in Iraq.
Disassembling the English language.
Disassembling the ecology of the earth.
The president has been disassembling so much, that soon, he himself will be disassembled, and this emperor will be wearing no more clothes.
The naked truth will be known and recognized.
No deep throat will be needed.
But a deep voice will speak.
And the words will be loud.
They will reveal all of the dark obfuscations before and after the Iraq war.
The Statue of Liberty will weep.
Americans will cry out for the disassembling of this dangerous and prevaricating administration.
Then Freedom and Democracy will once again live.

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