Friday, March 24, 2006


"Bush is saying 'I'm the president' and, on a range of issues -- from war to torture to illegal surveillance -- 'I can do as I like,'. "This administration needs to be slapped down and held accountable for actions that could change the shape of our democracy."

Michael Ratner of the Center for Constitutional Rights

I heard today that our founding fathers (I've always liked that phrase) wanted to call the leader of this new nation a magistrate.
That was then and that was what they wanted, but this is not what we have now.
We have a PRESIDENT.
When a corporation has a president and CEO, and either one does an incompetent job, and lies to or misleads his or her employees and shareholders...the CEO or PRESIDENT IS FIRED!
Our CEO…our commander-in-chief…the leader of our nation...the President of the United States...SHOULD BE FIRED!
He is now getting a cold shoulder from his own constituents.
This president and his presidency is not just under scrutiny.
It is under indictment.
Not a legal one...YET.
But in the homes and towns of America, President George W. Bush is now viewed as an incompetent leader (CEO).
A liar.
Some have even called the Long War President an idiot.
The voices of the people are going to continue to raise the volume of their disapproval.
Until what?

Until some type of self-protective coup?
Until there is a suspension of the next Presidential election as a result of some national emergency which requires Martial Rule (Law)?
This is America…or


"Impeachment is the only recourse that can bring a halt to the madness in Iraq, and the insanity being planned in Iran and elsewhere."

"Looking back on the string of unfulfilled objectives, broken promises, squandered dreams, shattered bodies and eviscerated lives that was and is the war in Iraq, one thought emerges plain and clear. This isn't simply a result of bad governance. This is criminal."
"Bad governance is telling the American people that a war with Iraq would be concluded in a manner of months, and would cost the American taxpayer less that $2 billion, when in fact the war has gone on for three years now, with no end in sight, and over a quarter-trillion dollars have been expended, with untold billions more to be spent."
"Criminal governance is the fabrication of a justification for war (weapons of mass destruction), hiding the President’s true intentions from the American people and the Congress of the United States (Bush signed off on the Iraq war plans in late August 2002, and yet continued to publicly state that no decision for military action had been made), and shredding international law by waging an aggressive war of pre-emption void of any United Nations Security Council resolution authorizing such actions."
"Bad governance is manipulating war planning on the part of military professionals so that we enter into a conflict with far too few troops for the task, with no plan for how to proceed once the fighting ended and the reality of occupation set in."
"Criminal governance is violating every principle of the laws of war in the conduct of the occupation of Iraq, manipulating the economic and political direction of Iraq, suppressing its population, and engaging in wanton acts of widespread murder, torture and abuse of the Iraqi people."
"The fact is the war in Iraq has degenerated into one giant hate crime."

Scott Ritter, "It's Criminal", Alter.Net, 3-20-06

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