Monday, March 13, 2006


"There may be no option but the use of force. But before we find ourselves irrevocably on such a track, there is a strong case for trying the engagement alternative first, and in a serious way."
"At the least, Americans must have the debate about Iran that we did not have about Iraq. It needs to center on choices about long-term strategy toward the Middle East. If we do not have this discussion, then we can expect to have yet another mournful postmortem later on."
[Robert E. Hunter, a senior advisor at the Rand Corp., was U.S. ambassador to NATO from 1993 to 1998.]

“Next, we’re going to have the Iranian campaign. We’ve declared war and the bad guys, wherever they are, are the enemy. This is the last hurrah—we’ve got four years, and want to come out of this saying we won the war on terrorism.” [Former high-level intelligence official]

Right now there is a deafening silence about what the United States (i.e. Rumsfeld, Cheney & Rice) plans to do to Iran.
[Note: Since writing this the silence has been broken as more and more strident voices are calling for a military "solution" in Iran]
The annihilation of Iran is on the shelf (or as our leaders like to say "all options are on the table".)
The Republicans would appreciate a new war.
The current war with Iraq is in shambles.
A new war would also remove the microscope from other issues: What did the Bush administration know about 9-11 before it happened and what did the White House not do to prevent it; the Dubai deal; Katrina; domestic spying; the lies that led to the pre-emptive war with Iraq; Impeachment, etc.
The National Security issues and THE WAR ON TERROR could be put back on the front burner for the GOP in the 2006 elections.
The Idiot of Iran will get bombed if he does not relent and renounce his nuclear ambitions.
Let us hope that more diplomacy (or bribes) can persuade the Iranian Idiot to stop his nuclear blackmail.
If not, get ready for more blood and money to irradiate terra firma.

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