Friday, September 22, 2006


“The day Dick Cheney is going to run for president, I’ll kill myself. All we need is one more liar.”
Helen Thomas

Gas prices are dipping;
Fear-mongering is not.
Elections are coming; so are
Presidential diablos Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hugo Chavez
Spewed inflammatory scripture to inflate their own egos and denounce the ego of another devil.
PRISON PLANET.COM cites its own scripture:
Is Rove's October surprise the political assassination, dirty bomb, biological release or terror attack forecast in a 2005 Republican memo, touted to "reverse the sagging fortunes of President George W. Bush," and "restore his image as a leader of the American people."
Will the Neo-Fascists again overplay their hand in a desperate lunge to rescue their power monopoly or is Rove's plan infinitely more sophisticated?

[PRISON PLANET.COM/September 21, 2006]
This is wild, whimsical and wishful self-fulfillment.
The actual reason that Republicans might maintain a majority in Congress is because voters are fickle and fatuous.
Voters pay as much attention to good political advertisements and clever sound bites as they do to facts.
Dramatic displays of artful and astute propaganda can persuade as well as any offers of common sense and logic.
Dodging the issues is also a good ploy.
Put the voters’ attention on an asteroid approaching earth--- or on a belligerent leader who wants to get his own way come hell or high water.
Calling the Long War President the devil or a fascist helps the president and his constituents. This kind of support is unexpected and welcome.
Denunciations become sympathy magnets.
The enemy is them not us.
The enemy is them, not NeoCon Republicans or their Long War President.
Lastly, there are always those electronic voting machines.
They might be the most favorable factor of all in the November elections.
Maybe this is a dictatorship.
It’s time to win the lottery.

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