Monday, December 11, 2006


It was my science class.
I was in the seventh grade.
My teacher (for that time) had very short hair.
Miss Anderson also seemed to have only two pairs of clothing.
She wore the same dress and blouse day after day.
It was a shock when she wore her other outfit.
This is all that I remember about my science class…this…
And the day that Miss Anderson pulled Greg Feazell and me out of class by our hair.
Miss Anderson had warned us.
She mostly warned me.
I was the main joker.
Miss Anderson was talking about the bones of the human body.
I made one “joke” too many.
She immediately grabbed my hair and Greg’s, and dragged us out like an angry cave woman.
We didn’t resist.
It hurt like hell.
Our bodies went limp.
Outside the room she said something like, “Are you two going to stop it and shut up?”
Underneath our clutched hair follicles were two red faces moving up and down.Yes, we understood.
And we were embarrassed.
It didn’t matter too much to Greg, since the girl who he liked wasn’t in this class to see the humiliation.
It didn’t matter to me because Miss Anderson didn’t call my mom.
Her philosophy was that if the teacher had to call her I WOULD GET DOUBLE WHAT THE TEACHER HAD GIVEN ME.
Nowadays teachers need to document and document bad behavior before they submit their discipline referrals.
Not Miss Anderson.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi, i am greg feazell. i just found this on google. i want to know if im the same greg feazell that was mentioned in this story. probably not, but there aren´t many greg feazells out there.
cool, thanks
eurogreg at