Wednesday, December 13, 2006

LETTUCE COFFEE AND THE FDA (Fraudulent Drug Agency)

Recent studies have reported how drinking 3 cups of coffee each day can help maintain the brain.
Coffee also contains more anti-oxidants than green tea.
E. coli outbreaks have put the blame on spinach, onions, lettuce, beef and cheese.
No more deluxe hamburgers.
Forget those delicious tacos.
No more salads.
But...drink all of the coffee that you want!
Then there's the
FDA that seems to give rapid approval to hundreds of drugs with all of those exotic names.
Such as
Brovara, Tyzeka, Januvia, Pylera, Fentora, Veredeso, Daytrana.
Daytrana is for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children 6-12 years of age.
And the good news: It's a transdermal patch!
Each issue of my
Reader's Digest contains its share of drug advertisements.
(I have the TV on and just heard this maxim:
"Knowledge is the best medicine of all."
You said it brother!
Getting back to
Reader's Digest.
I have one issue with 10 ads for various drugs.
Then just before drug ad #11 there is an advertisement for
Taster's Choice coffee.
At least
RD is fair and (somewhat) balanced.
I get a big kick out of the warnings for these drugs.
Lunesta (or eszopiclone) is a sleep aid.
Part of its ad states:
Lunesta not only helps most people fall asleep fast, it helps you sleep all through the night...Until you know how you'll react to Lunesta, you should not drive or operate machinery. Side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, drowsiness and dizziness."
Maybe just stop drinking the coffee that keeps us awake.


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