Thursday, September 08, 2005


"What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this--this (chuckling slightly) is working very well for them."

"Why should we hear about body bags and deaths? It's not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?"

Barbara Bush

The poor and the dead in Iraq or New Orleans didn't really matter for the mother of George W. Bush.
With a mother who talks like this it is no surprise that her son is also smug, callous and remorseless.
All of those executions in Texas.
All of those dying children and elderly in New Orleans.
Hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civlians..DEAD.
Thousands and thousands of brave American soldiers wounded and...DEAD.
War and needless deaths were preventable.
This president has prevented neither.
Americans now realize that our nation has suffered from the depravity and deception of George W. Bush, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Condoleeza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld and others on the tragic stage of this administration.
Americans are now joining hands and voices.
They want the terror to stop.
They want this administration to be brought to justice for its lies and errors.
The American people are now requesting impeachment of this administration.
Enough is enough.

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