Monday, December 26, 2005


"Come on in Dick & Rummy.
Got a fire going, and Laura's cooking the turkey.
It's time for some down-time away from Comealot."
"Our war in Iraq is still a good bet to secure Congress for the GOP in 2006. And if we can just get a stalemate by 2008 we may be able to hold on to the White House."
"Laura, how much longer is that turkey going to cook? It feels like it's been over a week since you put that thing in the oven."

"Well, Dick how's the old ticker these days?"

"Rummy, how's the production of your Tamiflu coming for the pandumic?"

"Oh, hold on fellows. I've got an incoming phone call." (The president picks up an unbugged phone.)
"Hello. Yes, this is Dubya. Who is this? The NSA. Right. Keep the surveillance going. Christmas is no time to take a vacation or let any calls slip by us.
I'll worry about what's legal and what's not legal at a later date."
"All of these liberals are squealing like poked pigs about this war, its torture, the wrong Intel...and now all of this hollering about my electronic surveillance.

I've got this job to protect Americans.
I can't help it if the Consitution gets a little trampled on. I have to protect this country from the terrorists who are fighting to take away our Freedom and kill us all.

It's not popular, but I'm doing all of this for the good of the nation."

"I hear it's time for some turkey, gentlemen. Come on, let's go dig in before the food gets cold."

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