Friday, December 16, 2005


This is a story about three illegal Mexican squirrels…Jose, Jesus and Maria.
A hidden microphone was there to record their words during their voyage to America.
Jose: Jesus and Maria, it is sure getting stuffy inside these coat pockets.
Maria: Si.
Jesus: Si.
Jose: I wonder where we are going?
Maria: Maybe Disneyland?
Jesus: Maybe the Holy Land…Or the place that’s called the Big Apple.
Jose: Don't mention food. I'm starving!
Maria: Yes, me too.
Jesus: If I had a fish and some bread I’d make enough for all of us.
Jose: Oh, come on Jesus, don't play that game again.
Maria: Right. You aren't the messiah you think you are. You’re just another rodent.
Jesus: O.K. I know I've got some hang ups, but getting hanged isn't one of them.
Jose: Oh, now he's the comedian.
Maria: Hey, be quiet. I hear something.
Jose: Yeah, I do too.
Jesus: I think we're at the border crossing. Quick! Deeper into the pockets!
Immigration Official: Hello, sir. Your nationality?
Man: Mexican.
Immigration Official: Anything to declare?
Man: Yes. I have three striped squirrels.
Immigration Official: What is the purpose of their visit?
Man: Jose and Maria are going to Disneyland.
Jesus wants to visit the Holy Land and your Big Apple.
Immigration Official: My Big Apple? Oh, you mean New York.
Man: Si.
Immigration Official: O.K. Welcome to the United States.
Jose, Jesus and Maria: Gee, that was a breeze. Why?
Man: You forgot. I’m God.

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