Tuesday, July 25, 2006


According to General Wesley Clark--the Pentagon, by late 2001, was Planning to Attack Lebanon.
"[The] Five-year campaign plan [includes]... a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan" (Pentagon official quoted by General Wesley Clark.

Bush has blocked those who attempted to bring a stop to Israel's bombing of residential neighborhoods and civilian infrastructure, and now Bush rushes more bombs for Israel to drop on Lebanon.

Bush's war is not on terror. Bush's war is on Muslim states not ruled by American puppets.
[ US Complicit In Destruction Of Lebanon/ Paul Craig Roberts/7-23-06/rense.com]

Right now the Middle East war is taking our eyes and ears away from the Iraq travesty and tragedy.
It is almost August.
It’s only a few months away from the November election.
The Middle East war is not an October surprise, but it will have to do for now.

With the full cooperation and even encouragement of the President, Israel has been preparing a coup d'main against Arab commandos both in Lebanon and Gaza and has been planning, again with the full cooperation of the White House, to use these "terrorist attacks" (deliberately provoked) on them to move militarily into Syria and "completely crush" the government there which they view as working with Iran to infiltrate deadly, long range missiles into Lebanon to attack vital targets deep inside Israel.

There also has been the intention of Israel to involve the United States in a sneak attack on Tehran using tactical nuclear weapons. The President finds himself in a position wherein he completely sympathizes with Israel's determination to crush any kind of Arab activism in the Middle East because he feels that these same activists are also Iran sponsored and are responsible for the casualties in Iraq.

The idea under discussion, according to the extracts, is for this to happen just before the U.S. midterm elections in November, to give Bush and the Republicans a desperately needed boost in public opinion.

The vile rats that put America in Iraq are now more than willing to support Israel’s devastation of Lebanon.

Suthir Amalat, carrying her child in one arm as she bought water to take home for emergencies, said she was preparing for everything to worsen.

"We are angry at Hezbollah for starting this catastrophe, but even more angry at the Israelis for destroying all of Lebanon," she said. "And America, who we thought was our friend, clearly now supports the Israeli destruction of our country."

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