Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.
Adolph Hitler

KR: Hello. Newt Gingrich? This is ol’ Turd Blossom calling. Fine. How are you?
NG: Doing well. Hey, it looks like you escaped the knife with the Plame problem.
KR: Yeah. So far so good. But look out if the Republicans can’t keep the House in November.
And that’s why I’m calling.
NG: Really. What’s up?
KR: Well, Newt, I need your help.
NG: Help?
KR: Yes. With the November election, and then, the 2008 election.
NG: Sure. What can I do to help?
KR: Well, Newt, I know you’d like to be president in 2008, and I want to help you.
NG: Thank you. I’m flattered. Talk to me.
KR: Well, Newt, I need you to throw a little curve ball…sort of a time bomb…at the country.
NG: O.K. What kind of bomb?
KR: I’d like you to scare the hell out of the people so that they won’t elect the liberal Democratic sissies.
NG: O.K. What should I do?
KR: Well, it’s really what I’d like you to say.
NG: Say?
KR: Yeah. I want you to start saying that the current crisis in the Middle East is the beginning of World War III.
NG: Right. Isn’t it?
KR: Well, Newt, that’s not what’s important. What’s important is to make the American people think that it’s World War III. If we can make them believe this, they’ll worry less about Iraq.
NG: Right. O.K. I’ll step up to the plate and ring the World War III death knell.
KR: Thanks Newt. Keep ringing it. You’ll hear from me as soon as GW leaves…or gets impeached.

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