Thursday, July 06, 2006


Former President George H.W. Bush traveled to Saudi Arabia on behalf of the privately owned Carlyle Group, the 11th largest defense contractor in the U.S. While there he met privately with the Saudi royal family and the bin Laden family.
[Wall Street Journal, Sept. 27, 2001.]

National security agents confirmed that Bush ordered them to "back off" their investigations into the bin Ladens.

On Oct. 31 the French daily Le Figaro dropped a bombshell. While in a Dubai hospital receiving treatment for a chronic kidney infection last July [2001], Osama bin Laden met with a top CIA official -- presumably the chief of station. The meeting, held in bin Laden's private suite, took place at the American hospital in Dubai at a time when he was a wanted fugitive for the bombings of two U.S. embassies and last year's attack on the USS Cole. Bin Laden was eligible for execution according to a 2000 intelligence finding issued by President Bill Clinton before leaving office in January. Yet on July 14, 2001 he was allowed to leave Dubai on a private jet, and there were no Navy fighters waiting to force him down.

President Clinton had two nuclear submarines aimed at the Taliban, and he told them so. Clinton was poised to fire missiles at any location where our agents spotted bin Laden. Bush ordered those submarines to stand down.

The Long War President has cut and run from BIN LADEN.
George W. Bush is more concerned about finding armadillos on his Crawford ranch than he is about bringing Osama bin Laden to justice (a worn-out, hackneyed phrase).
So much for the Long War President’s Global War on Terror.
So much for all the bravado about smoking evil Osama from his cave…dead or alive!
The number one Terrorist has been removed from Bush's hit list.
Or maybe BIN LADEN was never on the list.
Remember when all of the BIN LADEN family members were quickly taken out of the United States when no other planes were permitted to fly!
Members of the BIN LADEN family (and other Saudis) were the only persons allowed to fly just a few days after September 11.
Was this the Bush family’s payback-favor to BIN LADEN & family?
But WHY?
What the hell is going on here?
As some old hippie might ask: Hey, man what’s happening? (Without drugs!)

The CIA has closed down a secret unit that for a decade had the mission of hunting Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and his top lieutenants, intelligence officials say.
The terrorist tracking unit, known inside the spy agency as "Alec station," was disbanded late last year [2005].

Michael Scheuer, a former senior CIA official who was the first head of the bin Laden unit, said he believed the move reflected a view within the agency that bin Laden is no longer the threat he once was. He said he believes that view is mistaken.

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