You’re sitting on the same old mule, kicking the same (oil) can, swimming in the same old oil slick (hole), and drilling and pumping the same old “gas”.
Go ahead and drill, drill, drill and keep using more and more oil instead of developing alternatives, but this is endangering the planet now, in the near the future, and in the distant future for our grandchildren's children and their children.
This is not the Stone (or Dark Age), but you keep repeating yourself (like history), and repeat the “tune” that we won't be successful at developing technologies to replace the fossil fuels.
Yes, we can; yes, we must.
Higher gas prices are forcing us to wake up and accept the reality that we MUST DECREASE OUR OIL ADDICTION...
And the addiction to huge profits that oil companies have---
Whether it's from domestic or foreign petroleum.
Refine coal into gas, but use super-clean scrubbers and “re-cyclers” to preclude the release of carbon emissions.
Develop technology to capture the methane that cows are constantly burping.
The current road is not paved with gold, but with dangerous, global-changing carbon footprints.
Have you heard about the frogs and bees that are dying off, which scientists attribute to rising temperatures and changing climate?
Yes, develop more nuclear power plants.
These would give us the needed time to change to solar and wind technologies, and permit us to depend less and less upon fossil fuels.
We have to compromise on this important issue:
Drill for oil, build more nuclear plants, but develop the Alternative Energy Technologies.
We didn’t get light bulbs from a person who was negative, lazy, whining, and pessimistic.
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