Saturday, February 09, 2013



The cosmic impact near the town of Chicxulub in Mexico left a crater more than 110 miles (180 kilometers) wide.

The explosion would have released as much energy as 100 trillion tons of TNT, more than a billion times more than the atom bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

While the impact may not have been the sole cause of the dinosaur extinction, it almost definitely dealt the death blow, confirm researchers at Berkeley University's Geochronology Centre in California.

Read more:


“An asteroid is always going to be in space. Once it enters an atmosphere it becomes a meteor, then a meteorite if it hits the ground.”


A rolling stone doesn’t gather any moss, and a rolling rock in outer space doesn’t gather anything, except maybe speed.

I’m probably wrong about this.

I’m not a planetary scientist. 

Alright, I’m not even a scientist.

And I don’t sit around thinking about asteroids.

Does anyone?


And I’m glad.

Although 95% of the monster-sized asteroids are in our sights, only 1% of the smaller ones are.

Judging by the way the earth and moon look, we shouldn’t be too complacent about alien rocks striking us.

This planet was beaten up pretty badly a long time ago by these flying stones.

Most of the craters are covered up, but they are there, along with dinosaur bones.

But don’t panic.

You know what they say


 The chances of getting hit by a meteorite are…blah blah blah.”

It’s the blah blah blah part that scares me.

I’d much rather win the lottery.

Maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow we’ll wake up and read:

“A mile-wide asteroid is on a path to collide with the earth.”

Thank goodness that tomorrow is not today!

  But start digging, and dig deep!



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