Monday, April 03, 2006


Build the impervious gate
We will name it the Gate of Peace and Quiet.
But it is not a gate to keep immigrants out.
It is, however, a barrier to prevent illegal (or worse) terror-minded persons (Terrorists!) from entering the United States.
Immigrants will always be permitted to enter the United States.
But they have to do the necessary paperwork and pay the fees.
The estimated 12 million aliens already here can stay (unless they choose to leave.)
Investigate all immigrants.
If any have criminal records, then they will return IMMEDIATELY TO THEIR COUNTRY OF ORIGIN.
The millions of immigrants (albeit illegal) will receive amnesty. But this is the ONLY AMNESTY to be given.
No more amnesty after this.
Build the Gate of Peace and Quiet now.
Then we will have a safer country.

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