Thursday, April 13, 2006


"Also, like other mammals in the order carnivora, the male bears have a special bony structure in their penis called a "baculum". This structure serves to stimulate the female into ovulating, as well as prolonging copulation by widening to lock the two mating bears in a copulatiry "tie". This tie may last for 10 - 30 minutes." (

The family went to the zoo on Sunday.
It was warm and the animals were taking it easy.
Then...WHAT THE HELL is that?
It looked like a taut, thick hose swinging beneath the animal it belonged to.
I asked my daughter what animal it was.
She said, "Oso".
I thought the animal looked more like a big anteater because of its sharp snout (and I'm not talking about the part that had wowed us!)
Well, my daughter was right. It was a bear.
Tremarctos ornatus.
Spectacled bear.
What a spectacle he made while we were walking by him.
I continued to stare as I walked backwards.
The spectacle had disappeared.
Where had it gone?
Why had it come out? (I thought to myself, "He's all alone. He must have been aroused by something. Or had he been peeing?")
You never know what you’ll see at the zoo.
Keep your eyes open for unexpected spectacles!

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