Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Let Sir Bush
Make a Sign
Of the Cross
For his War that
Is a Double-cross!
Let that big smiling Dick
Inspect his oil-stick!
Get Rumsfeld to go to war
With his crooked arms swinging across
Bloody Radioactive Grass!
Make certain that
Miss Condi Rice
Knows a mushroom
Cloud from her ass!

"On Monday, former Secretary of State Colin Powell told me that he and his department's top experts never believed that Iraq posed an imminent nuclear threat, but that the President followed the misleading advice of Vice President Dick Cheney and the CIA in making the claim. Now he tells us."

"The harsh truth is that this President cherry-picked the intelligence data in making his case for invading Iraq and deliberately kept the public in the dark as to the countervailing analysis at the highest level of the intelligence community. While the President and his top Cabinet officials were fear-mongering with stark images of a "mushroom cloud" over American cities, the leading experts on nuclear weaponry at the Department of Energy (the agency in charge of the US nuclear-weapons program) and the State Department thought the claim of a near-term Iraqi nuclear threat was absurd." Robert Scheer, Now Powell Tells Us, The Nation, 4/11/06

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