Friday, November 03, 2006


The Decider-Torturer Long War President may be planning a getaway if Democrats return to power this coming Tuesday.
The Decider may face litigation after he leaves office, but while he is still there he may have the heat of impeachment breathing down his stubborn neck.
Hence, a plan to get the heck out of Dodge should the hammer start pounding on his unilateral head (or a guillotine falling).
The Paraguayan refuge should also make room for other members of the Long War President's administration.
If Democrats do not prevail November 7, Revolution is the only thing left.

International speculation presumes that the Bushes have taken the advice of their family’s consigliores to maintain a bolt-hole hideaway—in this case, a huge ranch in Paraguay—just in case of the eruption of problematic or discomforting political developments in their homeland.
Given the rapidly multiplying constellation of crises and criticisms hitting his presidency in its metaphorical face, President Bush has taken the extraordinary step of investing in a tract of private real estate. For the past week, the international press has been spellbound by reports that Jenna Bush, the president’s daughter, has negotiated a real estate transaction in upper Paraguay for a huge ranch even by Texas standards. Now international speculation presumes that the Bushes have taken the advice of their family’s consigliores to maintain a bolt-hole hideaway just in case of the eruption of problematic or discomforting political developments in their homeland.

From my undergraduate history of the Cold War, I seem to recall that after the Allied victory in World War Two, the northern reaches of Paraguay provided a haven for Nazi war criminals—including Dr. Josef Mengele. A rogue Nazi, a rogue president—a remote refuge for rogues in the mists of Paraguay - is that a coincidence—or not?

Rogue President
OCTOBER 25, 2006
Baltimore Chronicle & Sentinel

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