Monday, April 07, 2008

Q & A

What country do you think poses the biggest threat to the United States?

Like Pogo said, "We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us."

We lied first---then bombed---AND then we asked questions.
The “we” here means George W. Bush and his company.

And the U.S. Congress and the American people are still following with clicking footsteps to the beat of Bush.

No investigations, no hearings...nothing!

The next president will inherit these dictatorial powers, and that's why this presidential election is so crucial.

America's Constitution, Economy, and Reputation have been mangled by Bush & Cheney.

Bill Clinton and Bush's daddy are not without their sins, but George W. Bush's sins have been MORTAL.
How safe do you feel when you fly?

I feel safer once the plane has landed or has taken off.
It’s those two times when I fear something bad could happen.
The few times that I have been on Trans-Atlantic and Tran-Pacific flights were heavenly.
No bumps.
Very quiet.
And, yes, I liked the airline food.
I wasn’t in First Class, either.

How can the U.S. compete globally when only about half the students in our largest cities graduate from high school?

The answer to this obvious question has a self-evident answer:
Look at us.
We eat and consume---and buy, buy, buy---yet produce little.
No more made in the proud U.S.A.
There's nothing wrong with imports, but our nation has lost its fecund soul and mind.
We are a technological, warring, high-tech Roman Empire.
On the positive side, I teach high school English here in El Paso, Texas, and I can say that I have good to very good students who want to learn.
I hope I am one reason for that.
Here are some classroom sayings (that I wrote) and have posted in my classroom:

Which of the three remaining candidates – John McCain, Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama – would you least want to see elected president and why?

I'd rather pick my big nose.
No, actually, my pick is Barack Obama.
I don't want the Bush-Clinton dynasty to continue.
The Clintons and the Bushes are starting to resemble a TV commercial that has a bunny that doesn’t stop beating its drum.
I want a new rabbit--- new batteries---and a different tune being drummed.
I would rather take a chance and pick Obama than have McCain (a Bush clone) or Mrs. Clinton enthroned in Camelot.
Change IS important.

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