Monday, April 21, 2008

Q & A

In this last weekend before the Pennsylvania primary, what do Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have to do to win over late undecided voters?

Barack needs to stop bowling and start playing basketball.
Hillary needs to stay away from Dick Cheney’s guns .

Why do both Hillary Clinton and John McCain target Barack Obama with virtually the same criticisms?

Two bullies are charging the other big bull.
Clinton and McCain (I suppose most candidates) dig deep into the mud to sling their balls at the other candidate.
American voters see right through this "Monkey see-Monkey Do-doo Business".
They'll vote for the other candidate.
Clinton and McCain are each shooting their respective feet as they stomp through the smelly sponge cake.
How much is the Iraq war to blame for the state of the U.S. economy?

Bush's war has sucked the lives out of millions of Iraqis and injured thousands and thousands of American soldiers.
The state of our nation's economy is in very, very sad shape.
But George W. Bush thinks that we must surge on in Iraq.
Forget our schools, our roads, and our own people.
America is paying much for the hubris of George W. Bush.
With blood and money.
Bush and Cheney should be impeached for what they have done to the United States and its economy...
Oh, and let's not forget the Constitution.

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