Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Q & A

How much has Rev. Wright hurt Obama's campaign?

Any of us with an adequate amount of grey matter can see how Reverend Wright is now ranting and grand-standing on his own soapbox (pulpit).
Obama is able to express his ideas without the help or attention of a Mr. Wright (wrong).
Unless more dirty laundry comes down the shoot, Obama will not be affected that much by the Reverend's rants.

Will the Stimulus checks stimulate the economy?

Try some agitation.
I suppose the money will help for about 33 minutes.
Long enough to put gas in our tanks five times.

How can Obama recapture his momentum?

Obama should confront Hillary Clinton at every opportunity.
This means that he should debate her wherever, whenever, and however.
If he sticks his head in the dirt and avoids any more debates with Clinton, then I, as one voter, will begin leaning toward other candidates.
Especially any debate that is more free-wheeling and not managed by the media.


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