We cannot say with certainty whether Mr. Bush lied about Iraq . But when the president withholds vital information from the public — or leads them to believe things that he knows are not true — to justify the invasion of another country, that is bad enough.
New York Times
, the television media, and all of the right-wing radicals on A.M. radio promoted the Bush Administration’s Iraq war.
Editorial leadership and writers at the NYT failed to do an adequate amount of scrutiny and investigation of the Bush Administration’s propagandistic and false pronouncements to go to war.
Your newspaper was, like the country, under the spell of the tragedy of 9/11, and under
the spell of a messianic-like Bush, whose
patriotic euphoria flooded the patriotic neural pathways of Americans.
There was our hero, cowboy Bush, standing atop the rubble of 9/11, yelling into his bullhorn.
We gave the Bush administration the benefit of our doubts.
It was a huge and costly mistake.
But we must not forget that millions and millions around the world pleaded for peace and diplomacy---not war.
But the cocaine-soaked brain of Bush wanted war.
No one would stop him---and no one did.
War was the potion that was thought to be the only antidote (FOR WHAT!?)
In fact, war was the worst poison (and worst possible choice).
BUT THIS DIDN’T MATTER TO CHENEY, RICE, RUMSFELD, BUSH & the rest of a dictatorial administration.
This poison was based upon redundant propaganda that amounted to lies.
Intentional lies were repeated to enable war.
If 9/11 was another pre-conceived Pearl Harbor , then Bush’s Invasion of Iraq was the pre-conceived outcome.
However, it is no surprise that the pussy-footing editorial by the NYT cannot be more direct and just forthrightly say:
Those words should be plastered all over your front page…
"We cannot say with certainty whether Mr. Bush lied about Iraq ", your editorial stated.
It would be more accurate for the editorial to say,
"We can say with certainty that Mr. Bush was NOT telling the truth."
Political correctness should never be a substitute for the truth.
Now, more than ever, the N.Y.T. should support the investigation and impeachment of the Bush Administration.
But you won't, because you were an obeisant accomplice when you reported on this administration's lies as if they were the God's truth---the god who dwelled inside of George W. Bush’s megalomaniacal mind and told him he must bomb Iraq .
Bush’s bombs have generated genocide.
Bush and Cheney’s Iraq war has killed many, many thousands more civilians than Saddam Hussein ever did.
Four million citizens have left Iraq .
Bush and Cheney’s war has killed and maimed thousands and thousands of American soldiers.
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