Sunday, October 12, 2008


ADAM: I don’t know about you Eva, but that stallion just doesn’t look right to me.
EVA: Why? What’s he doing?
ADAM: Well, it seems like he’s actually muttering to himself.
EVA: Yes, I see what you mean.
ADAM: I’ll go get my parabolic microphone so we can hear what the heck he’s “saying”.
EVA: I’ll go get my cam recorder to catch it on film as we listen.

[ADAM and EVA return with their recording equipment]

ADAM: Ready?
EVA: Yes.

[RECORDING begins]

STALLION: I just can’t believe that I’m a talking horse! Maybe I'll call myself Ed. I overheard the doctor say that I was the result of genetic engineering. I’m like a centaur, but without a human head.
ADAM: Holy smoke! Did you hear that?
EVA: Yes! Yes!
ADAM: Don’t tell anyone. This horse is the ticket that'll take us from rags to riches.
EVA: Right. What should we do next?
JACK: Find out who owns him, then we'll make his owner an offer that can’t be refused!
EVA: Giddy-Up!


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