Sunday, March 20, 2005



By Mad Plato

It was a grave mistake for the United States to invade and occupy Iraq, but it might be a graver mistake for the U.S. to stay.
(Mad Plato)

[All of the quotes below are by George W. Bush. Parenthesized words are by Mad Plato.]

“Democracy is being spread in Iraq. Progress is being made.” (In the background are the screams from an ongoing beheading.)

Iraq is free.” (Bombs are seen exploding in Baghdad)

“Across Iraq, life is being improved by liberty.” (Iraqi citizens are afraid to walk on their streets.)

“Freedom is finding a way in Iraq.” (In the distance can be heard RPGs.)

“The most important information for the American people to hear is Reality.” (A suicide car bomb is heard exploding near the Green Zone.)

“I know that I made the right decision.” (To remove Saddam Hussein and not Osama bin Laden…an old oil buddy of the Bush family.)

“It’s hard work in Iraq. We will stay the course until the people are free. The people see a better future.” (An Iraqi civilian is shown on CNN standing next to his destroyed refrigerator and satellite dish.”)

“Going from tyranny to democracy is hard work.” (And going from democracy to tyranny is hard work.)

“We’ll complete the mission.” (Just like we did at the Alamo.)

“This is a major moment in America. These are historic times.” (And hysterical times.)

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