Monday, March 21, 2005

By Mad Plato

The Congress didn't read the Patriot Act and quickly passed it.
The Congress didn't think twice when it voted to give this
War President his green light to bomb Iraq.
The Congress repeatedly votes for its pay raises in the wee hours of the morning, but under the sunshine of day won’t give hard-working citizens any increase in their minimum wage.
It is no surprise, then, that this Congress voted to intervene in the case of Terri Schiavo.
It is no surprise that this War President is once again dictating on matters of life and death.
He is quite the master of the latter.
Just look at the record number of executions which occurred while he was governor of Texas.
And now we have his unholy war in Iraq.
The irony: I do not want Terri's feeding tube removed.

Sunday, March 20, 2005


Today the American Chicken Association announced that chickens no longer can be sold with the name “breast” on its package labels.
Instead, in deference to the controversy that was generated by the Superbowl boob fallout, the Poultry Association will cease using the name of breast on any of its fowl.
One insider claimed that the new labeling was something that the Poultry Industry has wanted to get off of its chest for some time.



By Mad Plato

If a space telescope can peer at the “cosmological dark ages” and see 10,000 galaxies, why can’t a terrestrial microscope see the origin of events that lead up to 9-11 and the preemptive war on Iraq?

It’s puzzling and perplexing. Maybe what we think we’ll find at the end of this tunnel frightens us into not wanting to see that far.

The farthest known galaxy is a mere 13.2 billion light-years away, but the closest the American public seems to get to the truth about 9-11 and Iraq comes from rapid and rabid sound-bites from network and cable news. Then there are the radio talk shows. Where is the Truth and how can IT be found?

The Internet.

Yes, it has a plethora of information. Just the opposite of fast sound-bites. But it is from these many sites of the Internet where truths may be seen, and little by little the Truth becomes visible and the Darkness becomes Light. This description sounds way too heavy and cosmological, I’m sure.

Let’s look at War and Peace. They have always been at odds.

The universe has always known about these opposing forces just as God has known about them.

Christ confronted Mammon.

Did he win?

Have we as a species lost?

What has been won if we have lost?

But getting back to “cosmological dark ages”, the Earth itself seems to be in its own darkened age.

Perhaps every generation says the same about their own time.

Monsters and barbarians are still alive in our hearts, waiting for the powers of the good, the true and the beautiful to conquer them---as well as the terrorists within and without our borders.

Meanwhile, there are other humans on terra firma who are trying to shine light and lights upon the events of 9-11 and the war in Iraq.

Godspeed this search to let the world and America gain insights into the birth of these two tragedies.

. Now go count some stars.



By Mad Plato

Mad Plato has just learned how Michael Chertoff and Homeland Security have obtained their latest information about potential terrorist attacks.

We were fortunate enough to be on the scene when these revelations came to light.

Cameras were set up outside of Homeland Security office(s).

National Security, of course, prevents us from giving details of the exact location(s).

Michael Chertoff and some other high-level HSS [Homeland Security Staff] were sitting at a large, pentagon-shaped table. A lamp dangled low, illuminating the bizarre scene.

Tarot Cards, dice, skull and bones, cat entrails, burning incense, a crystal ball, a Ouija board, and Bill Clinton voodoo dolls were all spread out upon the table.

Unfortunately, at one point the batteries in our cameras went dead, and so we could not go on filming.

Nevertheless, a brief glimpse was made into the nature of these latest Homeland Security threats and how they might be determined. Stay tuned and dial a prayer.



By Mad Plato

George W. Bush, the War President, doesn’t care whether you know when he knows when he is not saying a word correctly.

I was a C student at a university with buildings that were covered with ivy.

I was a C student because I flirted too much with my French teacher.

She was a cute blond from southern France.

It was my second semester of conversational French.

However, my first semester teacher was a pretty brunette from Northern France, and she was old enough to be my mother.

I behaved in class.

I received that D because I sometimes (on purpose) mixed Spanish with my French when I spoke in class.

This infuriated cute Mademoiselle, and my GPA suffered dearly:


The War President should hire a person who can make sure that tongue twisters are pronounced correctly.

Practice more, George.

The War President should care more about pronouncing his words correctly. However, based upon the high recidivism of his many utterances of malapropisms, the War President doesn’t seem to care.

I would be more understanding if this problem had happened maybe once or twice, but I have now heard the president mispronounce the same word two or three times. He has said REMINANTS for REMNANTS more than once.

And good grief, what about the way he’s murdering the name of that Iraqi prison.

No need to destroy the prison, because its name has already been destroyed.

None of this criticism is personal.

I don’t like it when I mispronounce (or think that I have mispronounced) a word.

I remember when I tried to appear smarter than I was in high school by using BIG words, and then realized later that I had not been pronouncing them correctly!

I suppose such a sin of omission is just as bad (or worse) as when a word is pronounced incorrectly and the speaker knows that it is being mispronounced.

As a whole (not hole) the language is getting “lazier and lazier” because its speakers have gotten lazier and lazier.

For example, Americans are great users of THE CONTRACTION.

Our brethren in Great Britain tend to say all of the words instead of “contracting” them.

It sounds more sophisticated and more intelligent.

Maybe it is or maybe it isn’t.

In this age of “Hip-Hop and Rap”, we have forsaken the thought process by shortening our speech patterns.

I sometimes find myself curtailing the number of words when I say something.

For example, instead of saying, “Everyone should try to be good” I might say “You be good.”

Yes, and you might say, “I like the second version.

It is easier to understand and not so long.”

But that is the point.

We want thoughts and ideas to be simple, compact, and “easy to understand”.

We understand “I’LL BE BACK” and “MAKE MY DAY” and “BRING ‘EM ON” because they are short and simple.

America has become a culture of one-liners and SOUND BITES.

We want the Cliff Notes explanation, not the long version.

But to think and speak clearly require more time and effort.

Perhaps that is why the War President doesn’t want to be bothered with pronouncing words correctly.



By Mad Plato

Animals. They don’t need to worry about same sex marriages. In fact, they don’t get married at all. Nor do they get divorces.

When Mr. Bear wants to live in a cave with another Mr. Bear, who is there to care? No constitutional amendments will be made for the bonding arrangements between animals. But, generally, animals are quite monogamous. I guess.

Humans. They worry about same sex marriages. Miss so-and-so wants to live with another Miss so-and-so. Then both want to get married. Then the government says NO! Infidels! Going against the grain! Marriage is only between a man and woman. I guess.

Aliens. OK. I won’t go there.

If the shoe fits, then wear it. Different strokes for different folks.

I guess.



By Mad Plato

During the prime-time presidential press conference a nonplused gallery of reporters found themselves spinning thumbs and wiggling legs, staring in stunned disbelief as the President of the United States fielded reporters' questions and attempted to answer them.

Many things were the same, but something was missing [not the WMD].

The president's answers were often grabbing at straws, while his iridescent tie radiated its mysterious rainbow colors into the television's camera eye.

The tie seemed to be addressing the nation: "I MAKE NO MISTAKES AND I WILL CHANGE THE WORLD."

One reporter kept his mouth open the whole time. In Astonishment? Or perhaps only to gape for additional oxygen that would energize his brain cells so that they could keep up with the cloudy and defensive answers of the president.

The president also failed to disguise his perplexity and anger with some of the reporters' questions, when like cruise missiles, the questions penetrated his Yale-trained, Skull and Bones mind.

But the president's synapses continued their circumlocution, and ignited a few agitated neurons to become niggling non-sequitur answers.

The historic press conference was a dizzying experience for all Americans to undergo, and yet this president can still exude his special charisma even when the answers are still full of chiaroscuro.


Eyeball Rolling at the First Presidential Debate

By Mad Plato

My favorite eyeball rolling by President Bush in his first debate with John Kerry came when John Kerry suggested that the U.S. might have bombed Iraq for its oil. Not WMD. Not just to eliminate Saddam Hussein. But for that BLACK GOLD!

Bush looked to the heavens when Kerry made this oil connection. At the moment that this eyeball rolling occurred, I thought, “Bush is letting us know with an overcompensation in his reaction that OIL WAS INDEED A (or THE) MOTIVE.”

Sometimes Bush was dazed by a question or had a temporary paralysis of speech from it. The wincing, lip-biting, smile-smirking, eyeball rolling commander-in-chief just isn’t equipped to speak coherently without a script or when he is put on the spot in front of an alien audience.

Because Bush is so accustomed to getting an audience that his handlers have approved, at moments during the debate he seemed to be a brain lost in the wilderness of outer space. It was scary. If he got upset he stammered out some of his old standby lines: “It’s hard work.” “We’re winning…” “We’re spreading freedom.” “I’m not a wind-up toy.”

Do wannabe dictators tend to repeat themselves a lot?

Is Bush as dumb as he looked?



By Mad Plato

“O.K. Dick. I should not jump off of any more chairs. I shouldn’t make any more funny faces. God, Dick, I wish you were debating Kerry and not me.

Laura, are those thick T-bones almost ready?

O.K., Dick, where were we? God, those oil prices are really kicking up the profits, aren’t they? Hey, Rumsfeld, what’s the ‘score’ today in Iraq? Do I have many more casualties to worry about before Kerry starts singing his ‘wrong war, wrong place, wrong time’ song in Arizona?

Condoleezza, do we have the Supreme Court on board for the election? And, Jeb, are those electronic voting machines rigged to go?

O.K. Domestic issues. The economy. I just gave some new tax cuts. Maybe this will be enough to take America’s mind off of the huge deficits and war costs.

God, I wish this election was over already. I like to be commander-in-chief, but I don’t like defending myself all the time in these debates. I just like to do things, you know, spread more peace and democracy. It’s hard work, but I have to do it.

Laura, are those steaks barbecued yet? I have to keep my energy up for this last debate.”



By Mad Plato

“It would be easier if I was a dictator.”

George W. Bush

President Bush announced at his first post-election press conference that his win gave him… political capital!

And he planned to spend it!

Wasn’t that big of him?

The commander-in-chief has already taken a lot of capital away from the American people and spent it.

Chasing after non-existent WMD wasn’t cheap. A duplicitous shock and awe pre-emptive war without a plan to win the peace is EXORBITANT.

The deficits EXPAND while taxes are being reduced [at least for the very rich!]

Where in the world is the capital going to come from to pay for the rising deficits?

For the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?

For future fighting in Iran, North Korea or Syria?

For more and more missiles and bombs?

For Education?

For Health Care?

For Social Security?

Where is that money going to come from?

Yep. You and me. The rich bastards have got it made in the sun.

Baby boomers, don’t plan on retiring too soon.

This president needs more of your capital.

He already has your heads!



By Mad Plato

Today the Bush White House said that it thinks that the Vatican has, may have or might have the capacity to make a nuclear weapon.

A spokesman for the White House said: “We cannot leave to chance the possibility that this Vatican has, may have, or might have a nuclear weapon.

But we think it has a weapon, and naturally our thinking makes it so.

Therefore, at noon on June 12, the United States of America will declare preemptive war on the Vatican and hope for the best.”

[Since writing this, I have learned that June 12, 2005 is the possible day when Iran will be pre-emptively bombed. Hope not! Well, it didn't happen. Today is November 17, 2005.}



By Mad Plato

Mad Plato has just learned that the bulge on Bush’s back was indeed an electronic receiver, but not for receiving signals from outer space…at least not from NEAR Earth SPACE. It certainly was not a hookup to that Earth alien Karl Rove.

It was a direct link to the Almighty God. Allah is great! And he has been telling Bush what to say.

Let’s just say that God was a little off-key during the debates. Especially debate #1. Bush may have been making most of his funny faces at God, and not at John Kerry.

None of the big news media are touching this bulge-thing. But be wary of the bulge. Be wary of a War President who must have his thinking done via an electronic device. He just might get the wrong number at the wrong time in the wrong place. Oh, right. This has already happened.

Stay tuned and watch your…I mean the commander-in-chief’s back.

**c* Off!

**c* Off!

By Mad Plato

Mad Plato has learned that for the past four years John Cheney has been telling the American people the very same thing that he told Senator Patrick Leahy.

It is a sad and shocking


but it is one that all citizens need to face… or rather avoid.



By Mad Plato

It was a grave mistake for the United States to invade and occupy Iraq, but it might be a graver mistake for the U.S. to stay.
(Mad Plato)

[All of the quotes below are by George W. Bush. Parenthesized words are by Mad Plato.]

“Democracy is being spread in Iraq. Progress is being made.” (In the background are the screams from an ongoing beheading.)

Iraq is free.” (Bombs are seen exploding in Baghdad)

“Across Iraq, life is being improved by liberty.” (Iraqi citizens are afraid to walk on their streets.)

“Freedom is finding a way in Iraq.” (In the distance can be heard RPGs.)

“The most important information for the American people to hear is Reality.” (A suicide car bomb is heard exploding near the Green Zone.)

“I know that I made the right decision.” (To remove Saddam Hussein and not Osama bin Laden…an old oil buddy of the Bush family.)

“It’s hard work in Iraq. We will stay the course until the people are free. The people see a better future.” (An Iraqi civilian is shown on CNN standing next to his destroyed refrigerator and satellite dish.”)

“Going from tyranny to democracy is hard work.” (And going from democracy to tyranny is hard work.)

“We’ll complete the mission.” (Just like we did at the Alamo.)

“This is a major moment in America. These are historic times.” (And hysterical times.)



By Mad Plato

So President Bush thinks that Iraq is now a safer country because Saddam Hussein is in a prison cell. I am not in any prison cell, but I sometimes feel that I am sitting inside a prison called the USA.

America has not always felt like a prison. But the current administration has changed all of that. We Americans and the world now must obey the new leaders of World War IV [The Cold War was number 3 according to James Woolsey].

Even NATO doesn’t want to enter this entangled nest of vipers.

There is terror around every corner. Fear and Terror! Terror! Terror! Terror! No WMDs, but potential DIRTY BOMBS AND MORE TERROR! MORE TERROR! MORE TERROR!

These are now the salient symbols and epithets of a new and improved [tortured] century.

The Red Menace [Russian not Chinese] is no longer the fuel for the hungry pyres that have always fed the Pentagon Dragon and its corporate dragonets. NOW IT IS THE NEVER-ENDING WAR ON TERRORISM.

Our nemesis, Osama bin Laden, was once a freedom fighter with the support of the CIA, a part of the Mujahedeen who had fought against the Soviets in Afghanistan. He was the Pentagon’s buddy just like the Shah, Somoza, Marcos, Saddam were etc.---even the Taliban! But we are a throw-away culture, so once we have found no more usefulness for our dictators, we expunge them [at our convenience, of course].

What a pretty mess!

Spreading Freedom

Spreading Freedom

By Mad Plato

Bush speaks about Freedom like he’s talking about manure. He is always saying that he is spreading democracy throughout the world.

Freedom or Manure? Life or Death?

Freedom is not being spread in Iraq.

Afghanistan is spreading heroin.

North Korea is spreading nukes. Iran wants to spread them.

“I set the strategies. I ask the experts to set the tactics.” (George W. Bush)

It is the wrong war. It is the wrong place. It is the wrong time.

Maybe it would help if the president tried spreading some truth, instead of his Bushit.

Homo Sapiens

Homo Sapiens

By Mad Plato

He is the Homo Sap who swaggers and smirks,

He is the Homo Sap who smiles and shirks,

He is the Homo Sap who mumbles and fumbles,

He is the Homo Sap known as the commander-in-chief,

He is the Homo Sap who called himself The War President,

He is the Homo Sap who liked to make wars,

He is the Homo Sap who is Peace’s commander-in-thief!

He is the Homo Sap who had a vision…

He is the Homo Sap George W. Bush!

Terrorist Information Awareness

Terrorist Information Awareness

by Mad Plato

Mad Plato has just learned that Homeland Security's TIA (or
Terrorist Information Awareness) has been monitoring some recent phone
calls made by Mad Plato.
Words that are inside of TIA's computer database, which indicate
some type of potential terrorist activity, will trigger the computers to
cherry-pick such words out of the air from telephone conversations, and
then store them inside of TIA computers for review and analysis.
Here are some pieces of conversations that have been intercepted by TIA:

"Hi Mad Plato. Boy, the party at Sharon's last week was a real

"By the way, Bill, were you planning to fire any
rockets this Fourth
of July?"

"Yes, Bill, I'll
be heading with Aziz, Mark, and Robin to the retreat
next week."

"Wow! I bet you had a
blast in Spain last weekend."

So, citizens, be careful what you say on the telephone. Homeland
Security is listening to you. What you say may reward you with a visit
by an agent of Homeland Security. Wait, I hear a knock at my door right
now...and the phone is ringing. I must go. Goodbye.

UPDATE: Is George W. Bush a Liar, An Idiot, or Both?

"There was no situational awareness, and that means that we weren't getting good, solid information from people who were on the ground." George W. Bush [2/28/06]

March 1: Video from The Associated Press shows federal disaster officials warning President Bush before Hurricane Katrina struck that the storm surge could breach New Orleans' levees." [MSNBC News]


George W. Bush

February 8, 2004



[ ] LIAR


[ ] BOTH



By Mad Plato

Today it was revealed that Rep. Tom Delay might be an alien. Rumors have been in the air that this might be the case.

Sam Donaldson has frightful hair and a Star-Trek Vulcan appearance, but Mr. Delay’s countenance could scare the hair off of any alien (if an alien had any hair.)

The American public is now clamoring for a Congressional investigation to determine whether Mr. Delay is indeed from this planet.



By Mad Plato

“Today the Pentagon revealed how “wardrobe malfunction” could have added to the already bad intelligence about WMDS in Iraq. No specifics have been made public yet, but White House insiders have hinted that the First Lady was involved in the wardrobe malfunction, as well as one of President Bush’s pet dogs, and that a very large brassiere was seen on the White House front lawn prior to the preemptive war.”


The WMD are not there.

The oil is still there.

Saddam is in a cage there.

The troops and the war are still there.

The electricity and water are still not there.

Freedom and democracy are...

We'll have to wait and see.

Meanwhile, back in the U.S. A.:

Social Security is still a lender bank to the Pentagon.

Poor farmers are losing assistance.

The cost of prescription drugs (oops!) is billions more than projected.

Bush has given Israel a green light to destroy Iran’s nuclear program.

China, Russia, Syria and Iran are becoming allies.

Where in the hell is Osama bin Laden?

Bush is still the Great Prevaricator.

Flat Bust

Flat Bust

By Mad Plato

“I want you to imagine a social security system that is flat bust.”
President George W. Bush

President George W. Bush is now diverting our attention away from the Iraq occupation by asking us to imagine a social security system that is a flat bust.

Is this the appropriate time to divert our attention by asking us to imagine the size of an upper torso?

Well, for Bush anytime is the right time.

But shouldn’t Bushman be focusing on other issues?

Forget a flat bust for a moment.

It now looks like Iran is next on the NeoCon war path. (Or Syria)

Some say that Iran is the apex on the axis of evil, and should have been bombed before Iraq.

After Gulf War I and many years of sanctions, Iraq was a piece of cake to invade and bomb; but staying and exiting is proving to be a brutal task.

On Thursday, January 20, Bush once again swore that he would “faithfully execute the Constitution of the United States”.

So far he has done a pretty good job of executing it.

Does God Bless America?

Does God Bless America?

By Mad Plato

It looks like Putin put an

headlock on Bush & NeoCon plans to bomb Iran.

If Russia is allying itself with Iran, it will certainly make the United States think thrice before giving its "schock and awe" treatment to Iran.

Ms. Rice and Mr. Bush recently tried to wow allies in Brussels, but they proved to be more woeful than wowing.

The last thing that America needs right now is another war.

It might be the

next entree on the menu of the powerful powers of

this current, arrogant, bellicose administration.

Colin Powell, now off of the ship of state, has come out with some straight talk concerning his own cheerleading of the Bushman's War on Iraq.

Bushman is estranging and isolating America from its allies, and increasing the world's repugnance for a U.S. government that wants to "act" unilaterally.

This mad administration is sowing the seeds of its own demise. Economically and politically.

The "flash and cash" of Hollywood is no longer (and maybe never was) the pride and glory of America.

Depleted Uranium bombs,

2000 pound bombs,

(so-called) pinpoint accurate laser-guided cruise missiles,

Stealth Airplanes...

None of this will make America glorious in the eyes of posterity.

We need to change so much of ourselves. It is very arrogant to lecture the rest of the world about their own tyranny when our own country is the king of this kind of tryranny.

Does God bless America?



By Mad Plato

You and I were misled.

Some say "Lied To", but this is offensive to the general public and the power elite, and so we dare not call our leaders the liars that they are.

It is not politically correct.

We must now kowtow to the dogma of the Bush regime, or we are painted as unpatriotic turncoats and quasi-terrorists.

Or as those damn liberals!

Americans know that they were fooled, but the fooled do not like to look at themselves.

The war in Iraq will go on and on, and the “war on terror” (and Tyranny!) will go on and on…until…until…


Winning is now like losing; peace is now like war; and so I do not know.

Are we living under a dictatorship without even knowing that we live under one?



By Mad Plato

Some of the rodents have been jumping off of the sinking Ship of State: Tenet. Ashcroft. Powell. Ridge.

But as the ship continues to sink, the new rodents come on board quite cheerily.

Ms. Rice.

Mr. Gonzalez.

Boy, what a swell couple.

One looks like some genetic experiment gone awry. (The Mushroom Cloud lady)

The other looks like a very clean, shaven Nazi choir boy. (No Geneva Convention for this cabinet member!)

Bushman is still in denial about Iraq. Nevertheless, he still wants to spread his freedom across the world like it is whipped butter.

This president has become even more intoxicated with smug and delusional alacrity.

I am now going back out to my fallout shelter.

Happy New Year.

No F****** Censorship!

No F****** Censorship!
By Mad Plato

It is f****** cold in Alaska.

Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) is going to make it f****** colder.

If Ted has his druthers, all indecent language will be removed from every f****** TV and Radio station in the whole f****** U.S.A.

That means all of the f******Cable stations, too.

And Ted wants a ruling on this f****** censorship to go all the way to the f****** Supreme Court!

It is getting f****** unreal!

Adios to f****** Freedom of Speech!

Who out there really gives a f***?

More Than A Year Later: In a Hand Basket Going to Hell

At his news conference in Brussels George W. Bush made a crowd laugh. He said, "This notion that the United States is getting ready to bomb Iran is simply ridiculous." Then he added: "Having said that, all options are on the table."

Sound familiar? Remember when George W. Bush tried to be funny at the 60th annual dinner of the Radio and Television Correspondents' Association: "Those weapons of mass destruction have got to be here somewhere."

If George W. Bush does bomb Iran, as some pundits believe he will, thereby once AGAIN ignoring allies who are trying to deal with Iran diplomatically, then it will give more credibility to the perception by some that George W. Bush is becoming quite as dangerous as the terror he has vowed to protect us from, and that he is placing our nation and the world in even greater peril.

After Iran is bombed, that leaves just one more country in the Evil Axis, North Korea. However, they do not have any petroleum, just nukes, and George W. Bush does not want their nukes.

This next impending and bellicose blunder by George W. Bush is certain to fling more gas on the flaming hatred and burgeoning jihad of Islam, and is certain to make Usama bin Laden an even happier happy camper.

Many years ago I was told by an engineer who worked for a major corporation that developed "stuff" which the Pentagon then launched into space, "You wouldn’t believe the things we have up there." When I repeatedly asked him "What things?" he repeatedly told me that he could not tell me. He said, "They would know if I told you." The conversation ended when he said, "We are all in a hand basket going to hell. I just want to go back to my farm."

Most of us cannot go back to the farm. Nevertheless, George W. Bush will be locking America up in an implacable hand basket, impelled by stubborn hubris, a leaden ego, and bellicose bravado if he gives us another war. Oh, BRING THE TROOPS HOME!


The Human Mouse

A Mouse with Brains!
Get ready for mice with human brains.
That's not the end of it. There are already pigs with 80% human blood and sheep with human livers.
These chimera are the latest products of our Brave New World.
The mouse with a human brain is the brainchild of the Stanford University's Institute of Cancer/Stem Cell Biology.
The "human" mouse will be made from the stem cells of aborted fetuses.
How noble!
The cat will be in more jeopardy than the brainier mouse in a cat-and-mouse chase.
Science is boldly taking us where perhaps we shouldn’t go.
The Peaceful Atom is not so peaceful anymore.
So, how can we expect mice with human brains to improve Humanity?
“Are you a Man or a Mouse?”
I’m going to eat some cheese and think about it.
Poor mouse!
He was so cute and harmless until he was HUMANIZED.