Thursday, June 29, 2006


Super Hurricanes.
A group of scientists, technologists and astronomers called the B612 Foundation wants to have a plan in place that can stop NEOS (Near Earth Objects) from hitting the earth.
The probability is small that any asteroid will impact the earth, but it’s better to be ready than sorry.
10,000 NEOS with some risk of impact over the next 100 years will probably be catalogued by the year 2018.
Only 2 NEOS on an impact list of 104 currently have an elevated risk.
This threat, in addition to Global Warming, is just what is needed to stop all the fighting over this planet’s gold, oil and hegemony.
If there is an asteroid impact, we can be sure that Halliburton and Dick Cheney will be there to clean up on the damage done.

”The goal of B612 is to significantly alter the orbit of an asteroid in a controlled manner by 2015”

"There is a bit of good news forthcoming, (former astronaut) Richard Schweickart explained. Congress did require NASA to provide by the end of 2006 an analysis of possible alternatives that could be employed to divert an object on a likely collision course with Earth. In response to this congressional directive, NASA is about to announce a process for carrying out this mandate."

“Therefore, it is certainly possible, if not likely, that in the time frame of the next 12 years we — the world — may well be in a position where we need to take action to ensure that we will be able to carry out a deflection mission if needed,” Scweickart said.

By Leonard David/MSNBC
May 6, 2006

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