Wednesday, June 14, 2006


"Wilson's wife is fair game,"
Rove urged one TV commentator in a private conversation.

GWB: Hello. Karl? Yeah, it's me, Dubya.
KR: Hello Mr. President.
GWB: Such good news weren't indicted! What a relief!
KR: That's correct, Mr. President.
KR: Yes sir.
GWB: Well, I bet you need to get back to your laboratory and figure out how to win in November.
KR: Yes, Mr. President.
GWB: Oh, Karl, would you do me a favor?
KR: Sure. Anything Mr. President.
GWB: Some hairy camels just arrived from Baghdad and I’ll need a camel jock to break them in so I can get my hands on one of the hairy fellows.
KR: Done Mr. President.

Fitzgerald has identified Karl Rove as one of Novak's sources. In fact, according to court filings, Rove was the person who told Scooter Libby that Novak was planning to write a story about Wilson before it was published. And as it turns out, Rove was Time Magazine's Matt Cooper's source as well.
On July 13, 2005, Matt Cooper testified before the grand jury and informed the panel that Rove was the first source that told him that Wilson's wife worked for the CIA.

In an article discussing his testimony, in the July 17, 2005 Time Magazine, Cooper wrote: "Was it through my conversation with Rove that I learned for the first time that Wilson's wife worked at the C.I.A. and may have been responsible for sending him? Yes."
"Did Rove say that she worked at the 'agency' on 'W.M.D.'? Yes," Cooper asked and answered in the article.

June 14, 2006/
Karl and George
The Teflon Partnership


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