Tuesday, June 13, 2006


"Bush left after night fell to return to Washington. The plane left at a steep angle with its lights out and the shades drawn." [The last sentence is also a description of the Bush presidency.]

"No, I didn't bring a turkey this time. But thank you for the warm welcome...and for getting me safely into the Green Zone.
Does anyone see any WMD? (Giggling)
Trent Lott and Pat Buchanan said that my coming to Baghdad was 'a brilliant move' and 'brilliant'. Thank you Trent and Pat. I hope this visit increases my POLL....numbers.
Mr. Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki, Iraq is now in your hands.
If your country wants peace and democracy, then it will get peace and democracy.
The U.S. will NOT cut and run from your oil or from our strategic position.
If the terrorists were not here before my Shock and Awe attack, they are here now. I can't undo history.
The terrorists must be killed here before they can kill anywhere else.
You have my word and the word of the United States of America.
O.K. I have to go now.
I'm going to have a hands-on-look at some camels.
I'm bringing a few back to my Crawford ranch.
Thank you."

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