Sunday, June 25, 2006


Chimeras. Human-Animal Hybrids.
Welcome---once again---to
Brave New World.
No need to be invaded by extraterrestrials.
This world is making its own aliens.
Men like gods will do as they want or need to do.
In this case, to create new creatures never before on the planet. A kind of New-age urban renewal.
"The technology is advancing quicker than the regulations," said Osagie Obasogie of the Oakland-based Center for Genetics and Society, which opposes the mixing of human and animal cells.
Of course, this genetic engineering is intended only to do good things.
But we all know about good intentions and where they sometimes go. Take as an example Mr. Atom.
Progress does not put on any brakes.
Tomorrow we might see ourselves in zoos and looking out at the new and improved creatures that we have created.
At least I can dream.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am also distressed about interspecies mixing. I don't really think that it is productive. Rather than make an superior race we are likely to
create a major ecological disaster. The way you put it is quite vivid though.