Friday, June 23, 2006


President Bush knowingly or unknowingly permitted Vice-President Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleeza Rice---and other NeoCons ("New Conmen")---to “find” and “cherry pick”, then accept and decimate the (mostly fabricated) information that could defend (and excuse) their decision to invade Iraq.
Now we know that Bush and his minions wanted to invade Iraq just days after September 11.
To compare World War II to the Iraq war (debacle) is not only wrong but inaccurate.
These were nations who were on the march to conquer the world.
But Iraq with its Butcher of Baghdad dictator was NOT an imminent threat to the United States.
But Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rice lied when each said repeatedly (and falsely!)that Iraq was an imminent threat.
Gulf War I decimated Iraq.
It was contaminated, starved and weak.
Not much different from today.
President Bush and his war was a lie from the get-go.
The "War on Terror" did not achieve its present intensity without the invasion of Iraq.
Al Qaeda was not in Iraq.
It was in Afghanistan.
But President Bush (Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld) deserted Afghanistan in order to invade Iraq.
Anyone with a little horse sense can research why this administration invaded Iraq.
A majority of Americans now think the Shock and Awe invasion of Iraq should not have occurred.
And a majority wants redeployment and withdrawal.
We now know that this war was a big lie.
To support the troops who are fighting is a much different thing than criticizing and pointing out the lies which produced the war.
It is not a condemnation of the troops, but of the lying administration that put them in harm's way.
The Bush administration employed propaganda to sway the Congress and persuade the American public to support his war.
Now that we know the facts about what was done to invade Iraq (shown on Frontline in its documentary THE DARK SIDE) it is time to get out of Iraq.
The terror and civil war increase every day our soldiers remain in harm's way.
Retired Lieutenant General William Odom (director of the National Security Agency between 1985 and 1988) said "The U.S. invasion of Iraq may be the biggest strategic mistake in U.S. history"; and "There is a knee-jerk tendency to say, ‘Well, if we left, it would be a mess. Therefore, we can’t leave.’ That requires blinding oneself to the fact-the reality-that our presence is creating the mess, that we don’t keep a mess from happening by staying, and that we don’t have the alternative of not creating a mess. When we crossed the border of Iraq with the invasion, all these untoward outcomes were inexorably going to happen."
The Bush administration won't even pay $71 dollars for a padded helmet that would reduce the brain injuries from IEDs.
This Presidency is a lying shame!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While I did not support going to Iraq it would be criminal to abandon the Iraqis even at the cusp of their nationhood. Do the lives of the Iraqi people mean so little to those who would with draw now?

The organization that we are fighting in Iraq calls itself Al Qaeda in Iraq. If we were not fighting Al Qaeda before we are now. Recently we dealt them a harsh blow by killing their leader. If we leave now these sorts of organizations will be encouraged to attack America again believing that all you have to do is inflect minimal damage and the United States will run away.

There are legitimate criticisms of choices and tactics. Frankly however, the "Bush lied" shriek is not that. Congress had at lest the info Bush did and came to the same conclusion. However, I suppose Bush was mistaken does not add the some rhetorical flourish.