Saturday, June 03, 2006


For it is not the small-scale Haditha atrocity that should be compared to My Lai: it is the entire Iraq War itself. The whole operation from its inception in high-level mendacity to its execution in blood-soaked arrogance, folly, greed and incompetence is a war crime of almost unfathomable proportions: a My Lai writ large, a My Lai every single day, year after year after year.

The Marines who killed at Haditha were veterans of the much larger atrocity at Fallujah the year before. There they took part in one of the most savage demolitions of a city since World War II. Eight weeks of relentless bombing was followed by a cut-off of the city's water, electricity and food supplies. a clear war crime under the Geneva Conventions. More than two-thirds of the city's residents, some 200,000 people, fled the coming inferno, refugees in their own land. Those who remained were considered fair game in the house-by-house ravaging that followed. Among the Americans' first targets were the city's hospitals and clinics, as U.S. officers freely admitted to the New York Times: another blatant war crime. They were destroyed or shut down, with medical staff killed or imprisoned, to prevent bad publicity about civilian casualties from reaching the outside world, the officers said. Later, an investigation by the U.S.-backed Iraqi government found credible evidence of the use of chemical weapons against the city; yet another war crime. Up to 6,000 people were killed in the attack, most of them civilians.

Like Abu Ghraib, Haditha is not an aberration by a few "bad apples" but the emblem of a wider, systemic crime, the natural fruit of an outlaw regime that has made aggressive war, torture, indefinite detention, "extrajudicial killing," rendition and concentration camps official national policy. This moral rot is Bush's true historical legacy.

The Line Of Atrocity -
From The White House
To Haditha

By Chris Floyd

The Long War President’s wars have endangered the national security of the United States of America.
George W. Bush’s wars and tax cuts for the rich and super-rich have drained the Treasury of America and her children.
America’s military power has been drained and emasculated by George W. Bush’s wars.
Afghanistan is becoming a disaster. The Taliban and Al-Qaeda are getting bolder and stronger---not weaker.
Respect for America has been drained by this Long War President’s wars and his indifference to Geneva Convention Protocols and other International Laws.
The health and welfare of the earth has been endangered by George W. Bush’s countless orders to kill environmental (protection) regulations.
The health and welfare of the earth has been endangered by George W. Bush’s mindless indifference to factual and scientific data on the environment and global warming.
The mindset of George W. Bush is:
"Let tomorrow's children and leaders clean up the planet and my mess in Iraq. I won't be here anyway."
Traditional allies of America have been alienated by George W. Bush’s dictatorial-like reign.
George W. Bush’s disregard to the opinions of mankind has endangered not only America…
Now is the time for an extraterrestrial civilization to intervene and save America and the planet…from

Mad Plato

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